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Come on,get your coat,we gotta go 快,穿上外套,我们该走了 You have everthing 东西都拿好了吗 Hurry up,sweetie,we’re late 快点 宝贝 我们迟到了 You’re killing me,right now you’re killing Mommy 你要害惨我了 现在你要害惨妈妈了 It’s not my fault 这不是我的错 Wanna do your speech for me? 要给我说一遍你的演讲吗 You know you don’t have to listen to that thing 24 hours a day 你不用一天到晚听那些东西 That’s why I tell you to tie your shoes 所以我让你系好鞋带 I can’t just turn them off 我就是舍不得关掉 Careful,there’s a puddle 当心 有水坑 Why did they break up? 他们为什么要分开? You got me,you can google later at school 你问倒我了 你等会在学校可以在网上搜一下 Will I get in trouble if I did’t give the speech? 如果我不演讲会有麻烦吗? Cause I’m not realling feeling it 因为我不太想演讲了 What do you mean you’re not feeling it? 什么叫你不太想演讲了? You’ve been working all summer on that speech 你为那个演讲准备了一个夏天 I can’t wait to hear it 我真想早点能听你演讲呢 It’s boring 很没劲 Not to me,until we wait out to your dad. 我不觉得 我们还要等你爸爸来 It that weh you’re meeting him after ? 演讲完你会见他吗? No way,he’s coming,and you guys are going camping.Remember?不可能 他已经来了 你们还有去露营 记得吗? He’s gonna be late,and everyone will see him 他会迟到的 大家都会看到他 Look, he know what time it starts don’s worry,he’ll be there.瞧 他知道开始的时间 别担心 他会来的 Now you get something on face there 你脸上有个东西 Hey,guys,how is it going?嘿 你们好吗? I’m sorry,Mr.Cool Guy 对不起 小酷哥 They’re hanging with your rubys and enamels. 他们成天踢球和动物玩 I’d like to up 真想去看看他 You jusr made it 你正好赶上 I always do 我一向如此 Anything go on? 有什么好东西吗? He open the door for the papers the wife just pushed him out 他开门拿报纸 他老婆就把他关在门外了 On that nasty breakfast in the moring.I’ll kick him out to 哦 大清早的这么恶心 换来了我也会把他提出来 I like how you name the people. What you call me behind my back, I wonder 我喜欢你给别人起的外号, 你背后怎么叫我 我很想知道 Can I get a road to the Charles Suite ASPA? 能马上送一件长袍到查尔斯套房吗? I call you God,because you see everything and you still smile 我叫你上帝 因为你洞察一切 却还是笑容满面 I’m coolhead. i surely am 我可是被捧上天了 真的是 A Beresford maid is expedient 贝雷斯人应该为客人提供便利 A Beresford maid has s style 贝雷斯人应该一台端庄 A Beresford maid servive with a smile 贝雷斯人服务时应该面带微笑 And above all,a Beresford ma


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