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Religion in America Protestant Main Stream and Religious Pluralism Baptists(浸礼会) 1. the largest Protestant group in the U.S. with 25 million members and more than 20 branches. 2. they are concentrated particularly in the Southern Bible Belt. 3. They have a liberal attitude toward the blacks and courageously defend their beliefs in the equality of all human beings before God, whatever their color. 圣经带(Bible Belt)是指美国南部部份州份的别名。这些州份的民风非常保守,对宗教非常狂热。相对于圣经带以外的自由主义及无神论思想,圣经带州份有不少人都不断坚持要以圣经作为日常行事的标准。 Religion in America Protestant Main Stream and Religious Pluralism 4. Most of the blacks are Baptists. 5. The first group of Baptists was founded in Amsterdam by exile John Smyth, and then the Baptists Church was established in London in 1612 by some of Smyth’s followers. 反对给儿童行洗礼,主张教徒成年后方可受洗,且受洗者须全身浸入水中(象征重生),称为“浸礼”,故名。 美国著名黑人运动领袖马丁·路德·金即是南方浸礼会的牧师。 Religion in America Protestant Main Stream and Religious Pluralism Methodists (循道公会,卫理公会) 1. one of the most numerous Protestants, next to Baptists. 2. 13 million members in the world, about 2/3 being in the U.S. 3. Methodists are united in the Methodist Church. Its theology is American, its church service like that of the Church of England, Religion in America Protestant Main Stream and Religious Pluralism 4. Its governing body is the Conference ( the annual meeting), which is composed of ministers. 5. Historically, it sprung up from the revival within the Church of England led by Charles Wesley(查尔斯·卫斯理)in 1729, rapidly spread after 1739 in England and North America and formally separated from the Church of England. a Methodist church Methodists (循道公会,卫理公会) 也叫卫斯理会,或叫循道会,是美国新教的第二大宗派。目前约有教徒1400万人,其中86%是白人。 该派是英国人约翰·卫斯理及其兄弟查尔斯于18世纪初创立的。 强调为社会服务,经常向广大贫苦工人布道,为穷人服务。是典型的中产阶级的宗教。 When to baptize? These are American Methodists practicing infant baptism. Religion in America Protestant Main Stream and Religious Pluralism 1. The other 2 branches of Christianity 2. Catholics 3. The Eastern Orthodo


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