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PAGE 以物权法论小区车位的归属问题 摘 要 如今,人们的生活水平不断提高,越来越多的人拥有了自己的私家车,因此对于怎样找到自己的停车位成了大家十分关心的问题。随着《物权法》的颁布和实施,车库的归属成了当下的热点话题。而车库的归属作为建筑物区分所有中的一项具体制度,它关系到居民的合法权益保护和小区的和谐、稳定。 本文共分四部分。 第一部分对车位的内涵做了简要的概述,并阐明了界定停车位归属的必要性和重要性。 第二部分对国内现有各种对于车位归属的相关理论进行了分析,包括业主所有说,开发商所有说,国家所有说等,并进一步研究和探讨了《物权法》中关于界定车位归属的问题。指出《物权法》采纳的约定归属说虽然仍存在着缺陷,但相比较而言,在现有的各种解决方案之中,更为合理。业主所有说是发展趋势,但还是要具体情况具体分析。 第三部分主要介绍了发达国家和地区关于小区停车位归属的相关立法学说,尤以美国为例,并提出了其对完善我国车位归属制度的借鉴意义。 第四部分针对目前《物权法》中关于界定车位归属的一些缺陷,对完善我国停车位产权归属制度提出了自己的建议。 [关键词] 物权法 停车位 产权归属 The Research on The Real Right Law of The Parking Space Ownership Abstract Today, with the increase of living standard, more and more people have their own private transport, therefore, it has become a concerned issue that how to find a parking space. With the issuing and enacting of the Real Right Law, the parking space ownership has become a hot topic currently, which is related to the legal right protection of inhabitants and the harmony and the stability of the neighborhood. This paper consists of four sections. This paper consists of four parts. The first section is the brief introduction of the definition of parking space, and clarifies the necessity and importance of the parking space ownership. The second section not only analyses many extant domestic related theories of the parking space ownership, including proprietor ownership hypothesis, developer ownership hypothesis, country ownership hypothesis, but also researches and probes the definition in the Real Right Law. It points out that despite the defects, the Real Right Law is relatively more reasonable than other extant solutions. But while Proprietary Theory is the main trend, different kinds of cases have different analysis. The third section mainly introduces related legislation theories of the parking space ownership in developed countries and areas, especially in the United States, and states the positive meaning it has to improve our parking space ownership system. The fourth section is focusing on some defe


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