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迪卡侬运动专业超市营销模式研究 作者 司久玉 sijiuyu491@163.com 摘要 本文以迪卡侬运动专业超市为研究对象,应用文献综述、专家访谈等方法进行研究。文章首先概括了中国体育市场以及体育用品零售业的现状和趋势,然后后运用营销学基本理论对迪卡侬进行分析,并与国内其他零售业态进行对比,得出了以下结论: 中国体育用品零售业当前是以品牌商为主导的渠道模式,经销商处于附属地位,但实力有增强的趋势。 迪卡侬在中国体育用品市场发展迅速,极具潜力。迪卡侬营销模式就是:自有中低端品牌为主,外来高端品牌为辅;专业化、大众化、超市化零售业态;对渠道的全程掌控;极具优势和特色的体验营销和独特的品牌营销。其中对渠道的全程掌控是迪卡侬营销模式中最独特和最具竞争力的部分。 迪卡侬独特的营销模式,对中国体育用品零售业有一定的借鉴意义。即对渠道的掌控:一是按运动划分产品,消弱产品品牌属性,突出运动属性;二是创建统一零售品牌,涵盖所有产品和品牌。 关键词:体育用品零售业;营销模式;营销渠道;迪卡侬? ABSTRACT According to literature review, expert interview and other methods of study, the article studied Decathlon Sports Megastore. Firstly, summarized Chinas sports retail and the current situation and trends of Chinas sporting goods market. Then, the article analysized Decathlon using the basic theories of marketing and compared Decathlon with other domestic retail modes. Get the following conclusions: In China’s sports retail, the supplier dominate the channel and the franchiser is in affiliated status, but the franchiser is becoming strongger. Decathlon developed very fast in China market and has big potential. Decathlon’s marketing mode is: Self-owned, low-end brand dominated, high-end foreign brands complementary,Specialization and the popularization of market positioning, Large-scale, supermarket style, controling the chain, most advantages and characteristics of experience marketing and unique brand marketing. and experience marketing model. Among which, the marketing mode of controling whole channel is Decathlons most unique and most competitive parts. Decathlons unique marketing mode, has a certain point to adapt for Chinas sporting goods retail. Controling channel: one is products divided by sports, weaken the product brand attributes, prominent sports properties; Two is to create a unified retail brand, covers all products and brands. Key Words: sports retail; marketing channel; marketing mode; decathlon??? 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h HYPERLINK 1 前言 - 3 - HYPERLINK 1.1 研究背景及意义 - 3 - HYPERLINK 1.2 研究对象 - 4 - HYPERLI


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