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* My classmate Wang Tao once made a similar mistake.During a math quiz ,he was having trouble working out a problem.When the teacher looked away, he peeked and co-pied the answer from his classmate.He was glad that he had got a high mark in the quiz.But when he came across a similar question in the final exam , he didnt know how to solve it and eventually failed the test. Remember: honesty is the best policy. * * Unit 3 Under the sea * 1.witness vt.当场见到;目击;为……作证 vi.作证 n.[C,U]目击者;证人;证据 be a witness to 是……的目击者 be witness to/of 做……的证人/证据 give witness on behalf of 替……作证 witness to sth.作证 * 运用 完成句子 (1)这本书是在 1946 年写的,自从那时起,教育体系 见证了巨大改变。 The book was written in 1946, since when the education system has _____________________. (2)他是整个事故的目击者。 He is __________ the whole accident. witnessed great changes a witness to * 运用 完成句子 (1)那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。 Those who __________________ despair can not succeed. (2)人们兴高采烈,纵情欢呼。 People were shouting and cheering ___________. 2.Abandon vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃 n.放纵;放任 abandon oneself to 使放纵;使听任;沉溺于…… with abandon 放任地;放纵地;纵情地 abandon themselves to with abandon * 运用 完成句子 (1)我们经常思考人生的美丽与复杂。 We often ____________ the beauty and complexity of life. (2)她忧戚的面容反映出她内心的思想。 Her sad look ________________ passing through her mind. (3)他深思后明白他无权做这件事。 He _______ that he had no right to do this. 3.reflect vi.思考 vt.映射;反射;思考 reflect on/over sth.对……进行反思或思考 reflect on/over reflected the thought reflected * 4.scare vt.恐吓 vi.受惊吓 (be) scared to death 吓死了 scare life out of sb.使某人吓得魂不附体 scare sb.into doing sth.威胁某人做某事 scare sb.away/off 吓走 be scared of=be afraid of 害怕…… be scared to do=be afraid to do 不敢做…… * 运用 完成句子 (1)所幸的是里面并没有蛇,但我也真的被吓死了。 Luckily there was no snake in it, but I was really ____________. (2)我母亲怕坐飞机。 My mother _______________ fly in a plane. (3)看门狗大声吠叫吓走了窃贼。 The watchdog ____________________ by barking. (4)这孩子害怕那条外表凶恶的狗。 The child _________________ the dog with fierce looks. scared to death is scared/afraid to scared the thief away/



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