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英语作文演讲稿格式 英语作文演讲稿格式 、结束语三部分构成。 (1) 称呼。称呼顶格书写。常用的称呼有 Dear Mr.Mrs.Miss. ?, Dear SirMadam, Ladies and gentlemen 等。也可以 不用称呼,直接写正文。 (2)正文。写作应该开门见山提出问题及对问题的看法,然后说 明理由,最后照应开头对全文作简明扼要的总结,总结要一定要简练 有力,切中要点。在汇报经验、情况等的发言中,要注意对情况的叙 述、介绍、自己的体会或者收获等系统总结,内容完整,不遗漏要 点。 (3)结束语。发言结束时,一般常用“ Thank ou for listening. ” “That ’s all. Thank ou. ” “Thanks a lot. ”等表 示感谢,不过有的发言者还在结尾时直接向听众提出希望,发出号 召。 写作提示 经典句型 I ’d like to tell ou something about ? Let me give ou a brief introdution about ? Please allo me to introdue the travel arrangement to ou. I feel greatl honored to be here to sa a fe ords to ele ou. I am sure e ill benefit from the leture. Personall, I think it is a good idea for us to ? Firstl, e are expeted to ? Seondl ?Lastl ? 第 1 页 共 5 页 It is a great honor for me to make a speeh on behalf of ? The first thing e an do is to ?. As e all kno ? What e an do next is to ? For example ? Besides ? 范文点评:要点齐全,层次清楚,完美地展示题目中提供的信息,并 进行了总结。第二段引起话题,突出重点;第三段按照要求层层展开 试题中的知识点,条理清楚,叙述合理;第四段总结言简意赅,紧扣 主题。文章使用了简单句,并列句,以及非限定性定语从句等句式, 但文字浅显易懂,符合发言稿的语言特点。在过渡上衔接自然,尤其 是一些过渡词的使用 写作导练:假设你是李华,在美国某中学做交流生。你的同学对中国 宴请赴约的习俗很感兴趣,特请你用英语写一篇发言稿,介绍中国的 宴请习俗。内容包括:宴请地点;就餐习俗;饮酒习俗;宴会结束。 注意 : 词数 120 左右,信的开头和结束语已为你写好(不计入总词 数); 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 参考词汇: banquet 宴会 Hello, everone. Hello, everone. I feel greatl honored to be here to tell ou something about Chinese banquet ustoms. _____________________________________________________________ ___ ____________________________________________________________. I hope hat ’s mentioned above might be helpful to ou. Thank 第 2 页 共 5 页 ou for listening! Possible version: Firstl, banquets are usuall held in private rooms in restaurants hih have been reserved for the purpose. Guests ill be met at the door and led to the banquet room here the ill be guided to their plaes. Oasions are rare hen guests sit here the please. Next, hile at banquets, guests don ’t begin to eat until the host raises his hopstiks. And it ’s rude to stop eating in the middle of a banquet. Drinking also takes an importa



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