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体格检查 (二) 谷丙转氨酶: glutamic pyruvic transaminase 谷草转氨酶: glutamic oxalo-acetic transaminase 血清精氨酰琥珀酸裂解酶: serum argino succinatelyase 血清谷氨酸脱氢酶: serum glutamic dehydrogenase 血清山梨醇脱氢酶: serum sorbitol dehydrogenase 血清鸟嘌呤酶: serum guanine deaminase 血清碱性磷酸酶: serum alkaline phosphatase 血清谷氨酰转肽酶: serum gamma glutamyltranspeptidase 血清5‘- 核苷酸酶: serum 5’-nucleotidase 血清亮氨酸氨基肽酶: serum leucine aminopeptidase 血清异柠檬酸脱氢酶: serum isocritrate dehydrogenase 血清腺苷脱氨酶: serum adenosine deaminase 血清单胺氧化酶: serum monoamine oxidase 血清胆碱酯酶: serum cholinesterase 血清蛋白: serum protein 血清白蛋白: albumin 血清球蛋白: globulin 麝香草酚絮状试验: thymol flocculation test 麝香草酚浊度试验: thymoturbidity test 硫酸锌浊度试验: zinc sulfate turbidity test 血清胆红素: serum bilirubin 黄疸指数: icteric index Physical examination of a healthy person He is a middle developed and well-nourished 40 year-old man with blood pressure of 17. 3/10. 7KPa,a pulse of 80/min and respiration of 16/min. Active position. Free movement. There were no purpurae, jaundice or scar on his skin 他是一位发育中等,营养较好的40岁男性。血压17.3/10.7KPa,脉搏80次/分,呼吸16次/分。自动体位。活动自如。皮肤无紫癜、黄疸或疤痕 General conditions The shape of his head was normal. The hair was black and lustrous. The quality and distribution of axillary and pubic hair were normal. 头颅外形正常,毛发黑、有光泽。腋毛和阴毛形状和分布正常。 Head Eyes : There was no injection on the conjunctivae. Sclerae were not icteric ( anicteric). The pupils were round and equal, reactive well to light and accommodation 眼: 结膜不充血,巩膜无黄染。两瞳孔等大、等圆。光反射和调节良好 Ears : No abnormal pinnae ( = auricles). The external canals were clear without pus. The tympanic membranees showed good light reflex, and neither injection nor perforation. Noraml hearing. No tenderness over the mastoids 耳: 耳廓正常。外耳道清洁,无脓液。鼓膜光反射良好,无充血、穿孔。听力正常。乳突无压痛。 Nose: The nose showed no deformity or flaring of the alae nosi. No bloody or pusy discharge. The turbinates were not hypertrophic. There was no diviation of the septum. No tenderness over the sinuses. The nasolabial grooves were equal bilate


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