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2) by 在此表示方式,意为 “通过(……办法,方式)”。如: We can learn English by singing English songs. 我们可以通过唱英文歌来学英语。 1. 有许多担忧 ________________________ 2. 与某人交谈 ________________________ 3. 害怕做某事 _____________________ 4. 最终 ____________ 5. 生气 ___________ 一、将下列词组或句子翻译成英语。 have a lot of worries talk to someone be afraid to do sth. in the end be angry 6. 犯一些粗心的错误 _____________________________ 7. 分享我的问题 _____________________ 8. 逃避问题 __________________________ 9. 将……分成两半 _______________ 10. 有时候他们在学业上出现问题。 ________________________________ _________________________ make some careless mistakes share my problems run away from the problems cut … in half Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork. 11. 在生活中,有困难和担忧是正常的事。 ___________________________________ 12. 如果不和别人谈一 谈,我们肯定会觉得 更糟。 __________________________________ _______________________ 罗伯特就一些寻常的问题向学生们提了 建议。_______________________________ _____________________ Problems and worries are normal in life. Unless we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse. Robert advises students about common problems. I don’t have many friends. What do you think I should do? Can you give me some advice? If you join a sports team, you’ll know many new friends. I think you should try to play games with your classmates. I think you should join a club. Some important things in our life. be happy go to college make a lot of money be famous travel around the world get an education Which of the things below are the most important to you? Circle three things. be happy travel around the world 1a go to college make a lot of money be famous get an education Listen. Look at the list in 1a. Write A before each thing the soccer agent talks about and P before each thing Michael’s parents talk about. 1b be happy travel around the world go to college make a lot of money be famous get an education P P A A P P 1c Lis



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