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摘要 从2000年至今,中国的网络游戏市场不断蓬勃发展,网络游戏也逐渐成为社会上具有庞大消费群体的娱乐方式。而与之不相称的是,我国大陆地区有关网络虚拟财产的理论基础薄弱,网络虚拟财产立法更是处于空白,大量的网络虚拟财产受侵害案件不断发生却无法可依。这在社会上引起广泛的关注,法学界随之也对其展开了认真的研究。通过一段时间的论证与研究,法学界逐渐形成了暂时不对其进行规范甚至禁止其交易的搁置说、将网络虚拟财产纳入物权理论的物权说、把玩家与运营商之间的合同关系作为出发点的债权说、将其归结为电子计算机程序的知识产权说等各种针对网络虚拟财产法律定位的学说。本文首先逐一分析现有的四种主要的网络虚拟财产理论,然后从财产和物的概念入手,根据网络虚拟财产的特征主张将其归入物权法的保护范畴,并通过阐述有体物的概念扩张,将网络虚拟财产归为有体物。文中针对有关网络虚拟财产物权说的主要理论争议重点作出了回应。最后,笔者还以借鉴的眼光观察其他国家地区的网络虚拟财产理论及立法,分析这些国家与地区的立法角度和立法思路,借此提出有关国內网络虚拟财产保护理论的发展设想。文章总体上从保障用户的角度出发,认为在中国现有法律体系下应建立以物权法为依托的网络虚拟财产理论与保护制度。 关键词:网络虚拟财产;物权法;所有权。 Abstract From 2000 to today, China’s online game market continues to prosper; Online game has become a new type of entertainment with large consumer groups who does not match with the weak theoretical foundation of mainland areas network virtual property. Virtual property legislation is in the gaps, while a large number of network virtual property infringement cases are occurring. This phomenon has been widely discussed, and law scholars also undertook the study of this phomenon. After a period of discussion and research, we gradually formed the theories with not being regulate or prohibit their transactions; Virtual property should be included in the theory of real property; it takes the contract between player and operator as a starting point then claims that network virtual property is kind of liability; virtual should be attributed to electronic computer programs as intellectual property ...and some other theories against legal status of virtual property doctrine is also exist. This article will first analyze the four major networks virtual property theory one by one, then go into the concept of property, explains how the network virtual property will be classified as property rights protected areas, and on how further develop the concept of physical property this article also made a corresponding answer. At last the article gives an observation from the perspective of other countries and areas in the network theory and vir



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