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七年级下册英语(仁爱版)unit8,topic3教案 篇一:仁爱版英语七年级下Unit8 topic3 重点短语及句型 Unit 8 Topic 3 重点短语及句型 一 短语 -为……做准备 3. put up 举起;挂起; 5. stay up 熬夜; 敲;打… 作弄某人; 11. go up 上升; 在午夜; 15. lucky money压岁钱 赏月 19. good luck 好运 …向…表达爱意 给予某人最好祝愿 二 重点句型 1请把我最好的祝福送给你的父母。 2. 请带我想你的父母问好。 感谢你的来信 4. I’我期待你的来信 5. People enjoy人们享受一天的假期。 6.在中国,春节时一大盛事 7.Christmas is the most important festival in many countries 圣诞节是最重要的节日在许多国家中 他们很快开心得到压岁钱。 他们通过给卡片的方式向妈妈展示爱心 “圣诞快乐” 中国人吃饺子舞狮舞龙。 13.people eat sweet dumplings ,on lanterns. 人们吃汤圆以求好运,看灯会和猜灯谜。 三 节日, 时间及活动 1) Christmas Day (December 25th) 2. a one-day holiday一天的假期 4. a three-day holiday三天的假期 6. have a get-together举行一次聚会 8. start to do / doing开始做某事 12. watch lantern shows观看灯展 14. sweet dumplings汤圆 16. guess riddles猜谜 18. trick or treat不给钱就捣蛋 22. at the end of在…末端 24. be happy to高兴做某事 在壁炉旁 28.watch sb. sth. 2)Spring Festival Learn other new words: weather, warm, season, hot, cold, rain, snow, ground 2. Learn how to describe the weather. What’s the weather like in spring? It’s warm. How is the weather in fall? It’s cool. When it snows, the ground is all white and I can make snowmen. 3. Learn to use superlative forms to express preference about seasons. Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter? I liked winter before, but now I like summer best. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/小黑板/录音机 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 复习上单元内容,导入本课。 1. When were you born? Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 呈现1a和3a,并完成4。 1. T: Do you know what season it is? S2: 夏天。 T: Yes, you’re right. Read after me. Summer. T: S4: I often fly kites. T: I think it’s a good season for flying kites. 3. How is the weather today? Ss: 热。 T: Yes, it’用以上方法解释hot。)What do you often do in a hot day? S5: I often go swimming. T: It’s a good time to go swimming. In what season do we usually go swimming? Ss:


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