流化床中CO还原1~3 mm铁矿粉的研究.doc

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第3l卷第3期 2010年7月  钢铁钒钛 m0N鲫rE正L VANADIUM’兀TANIUM  V01.31。No.3 JuLy 2010 流化床中Co还原1~3 mm铁矿粉研究 庞建明,郭培民,赵沛 (钢铁研究总院先进钢铁流程及材料国家重点实验室,北京100081) 摘要:在自制的公斤级高温流化床中研究了CO还原1—3衄矿粉的还原行为。随着时间的增加,样品的还原 率增加,气体利用率却在下降,说明还原前期反应速度快,后期反应慢;温度越高,样品的还原率越大,气体的利用 率越高,但随着还原时间的增加,差距在逐步缩小。当还原温度为850℃时,前20 min的还原率为80%,气体利用 率为8%左右,这说明高温下,CO还原l一3 mm铁矿粉的反应速度是很快的。温度越高,表观反应速率常数越大, 而且增加的幅度也越来越大;随着气速的增加,铁矿粉的还原率增加,并且几乎成线性关系,表明高温下,使用CO 气体作为还原剂时,可以允许更高的气速,从而可以提高设备的生产效率。随着料层高度的增加,金属化率与还原 率不断下降,然而气体利用率却在不断升高。试验中CO还原l-3 mln铁矿粉时的表观活化能为59.11 Id/mol。 关键词:流化床;铁矿粉;C0;还原率 中图分类号:TF533.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004—7638(2010)03—0015—05 Study  on  the Reduction of 1—-3 mnl Iron Ore Powder by CO in Fluidized Bed Pang Jianming,Guo Peimin,Zhao.Pei (The State  Key Laboratory for Advanced Steel Processes and Products,Central Iron  and  Steel Research  Institute,Beijillg 100081,China) Abstract:The reduction behavior of  powder by in homemade kg—scale fluidized bed惴studied. The reduction degree of the sample increases and the utilization ratio of gas decreases when the reaction lasts longer time,which indicates that the reaction is faster at the beginning of reduction,while it be- comes slower in latter process.The higher the reaction temperature,the higher the utilization ratio of gas and the reduction degree are,but the difference of utilization ratio among the different temperatures be— comes smaller with time.The utilization ratio of gas  reach about 8%and the reduction degree 80% for 20 mln reduction at 850℃。which shows under high temperature the reduction reaction by CO is very fast.The higher the reaction temperature,the higher the apparent reaction rate constant is,but the difference of apparent reaction  constant among the different temperatures becomes bigger.The in— of reduction degree with gas velocity increase performs quite good linearity,which shows under high temperature  higher velocity of reducing gas  be used  improve the productivity of reactOr when CO is used鹪reducing gas.With


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