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. . . . . . 毕业论文(设计) Graduation Paper 题目:定格动画短片的尝试 二级学院:            年级班级:          学生姓名:              学生学号:            指导老师:               完成日期:      年 月 日   . . . . 摘 要 许多人小时候都有这样的经历,和公仔说话,和玩具们做游戏,为他们制作衣服,设置场景,单纯美好的童年时光充斥着绚丽的想象。我也有过相似的童年,并且萌生了这样的一个梦想——我要让玩具们动起来,赋予他们生命!后来,喜欢上摄影的我遇见了定格动画。通过静物拍摄,我有办法让玩具们栩栩如生,我可以摆弄道具,设计剧情,赋予他们光影下的生命。我可以使用自己的玩具,比动画更亲切,我可以利用画面的切换让想象更自由,仿佛回到儿时!于是,作为毕业设计的作品,我选择了定格动画。 本文的主要内容包括:一.了解定格动画的内容、发展历程、优略势、材料以及研究的方法。二.综合运用镜头、图像、文字、声音等多种元素,诠释了整个故事的经过;三阐述了后期采用ps软件和After Effects特效软件进行合成与制作的过程以及制作过程中遇到的问题、解决方法。本文采用摄影截图与文字说明相结合,详细阐述了定格动画短片的制作方法,并且解释了其中元素的选择原因和一些特别注意的事项,最后总结了经验和教训。 《天网》的定格动画短片通过道具和镜头的不断变换,拍出了一张张会“动”的照片,当然,拍摄的过程很累,但我乐于其中,就像小朋友一样,我蹲在摄影台前面,不断地帮玩具们调动位置,变换动作,然后依次按下快门。一步步看着自己的玩具富有了生命也蛮有乐趣的。 关键词: 定格动画 拼插玩具 定格拍摄 软件 后期合成 Abstract Many people used to have this kind of experience: speaking to dolls, playing games with toys, making clothes for them. Beautiful childhood was filled with beautiful imaginations setting this scene. I also had a similar childhood with such a dream always in my mind -- I hoped that toys can move up! When I grew up, I met stop motion animation. Through the technology of photography, I can make toys be true to life likeness. I can mess with props, design plot, give them the shadow of life. I can use my own toys through animation instead of cordial; I can switch images so that imagination is more freely, as if to return to childhood! So, as a graduate design work, I chose stop motion animation. The main contents of this paper include: First, To understand the method of stop motion animation contents, development history, advantage and disadvantage, material and research; Second, a variety of elements include the integrated use of lens, image, text, sound and so on to explain the whole story; Third, describes the production process and the process of manufacture of the encounter witch used PS software and After Effects specific software, includi


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