护理学专业外文文献 Empowering Nursing Students to Address Incivility.pdf

护理学专业外文文献 Empowering Nursing Students to Address Incivility.pdf

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Clinical Simulation in Nursing (2018) 21, 40-45 /locate/ecsn Featured Article Empowering Nursing Students to Address Incivility Penny A. Sauer, PhD, RN, CCRN-K, CNE*, C. Elise Thompson, PhD, RN, Margaret M. Verzella, MSN, RN, CNE The University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC 28403, USA KEYWORDS Abstract incivility; Background: Nurses frequently face incivility. Nursing students are ill-prepared to cope with incivility nursing student; in the workplace. communication; Method: This study evaluated nursing students’ responses to a simulation activity focused on inci- anxiety; vility. Students’ anxiety and self-efficacy were measured before and after simulation. self-efficacy; Results: Prelicensure nursing students (n ¼ 44) had a mean age of 22.73 years (SD ¼ 5.32). Mean simulation anxiety levels decreased from presimulation (M ¼ 44.9) to postsimulation (M ¼ 41.5) (t [36] ¼ 1.69; p ¼ .098). Similarly, the self-efficacy decreased from presimulation (M ¼ 30.13) to postsimulation (M ¼ 29.67) period (t [36] ¼ 0.4, p ¼ .69). In postsimulation reflections, 89% (n ¼ 39) of students found the simulation beneficial. Conclusions: Simulation provides students a safe environment to practice communication, resulting in increased student comfort and agency. Cite this article: Sauer, P. A., Thompson, C. E., Verzella, M



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