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九里山煤矿矿井通风设计 河南理工大学毕业论文 PAGE PAGE 3 九里山煤矿矿井通风设计 摘要:本设计是焦煤集团九里山煤矿矿井通风系统的设计,在本井田范围内,地质条件简单,涌水量和瓦斯涌出量大,有突出危险,设计年产量0.90Mt/a,服务年限60a,开拓方式为竖井开拓,采用走向长壁倾斜分层下行垮落采煤法进行回采。在矿井一水平的通风设计中,选用两翼对角式通风(也可看作分区式通风),计算了矿井需风量和两个时期的通风阻力,并选择了主要通风机,计算了吨煤通风电费,绘制了通风系统图和通风网络图,同时得出了几个关于通风设计的结论。 本设计充分结合实际情况,积极采用切实可行的先进技术,为整个井田的安全生产奠定了良好的基础。 关键字:煤矿 矿井通风 设计 对角通风 The first step design of jiulishan mine ventilation Abstract:This project is a ventilation system design of Jiulishan Coke Coal Mine which is affiliated with Jiao Zuo Coal Mine Group. Because of the simple geological condition and large magnitude of inflow and gas emission, there is a great danger in the mine. In this design, the mine has an output of 0.90Mt/yesr and a life-span of 60-years. The development way is the shaft development, uses moves towards the long wall to incline under the lamination the line to break down fall spicks carries on picks. Ventilates in the design in a mine pit level, selects two wings opposite angles type to ventilate (also may regard as district type to ventilate), the respective calculation of the ventilation resistance in easy and difficult situation, the selection of the main fan, the computation of electrical consumption for one-ton coal, and the drawing of system and network map simultaneously obtained several about to ventilate the design the conclusion. The design combine closely with the actual condition and adopt feasible and advanced technologies, to let the mine have a good foundation of safe production. Keywords:Coal Mine ventilation Design Ventilation of opposite angle 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 绪 论 h 1 1.1 矿井通风设计的国内外研究发展与现状 h 1 1.2 通风设计的目的和意义 h 1 1.3 通风设计的依据和要求 h 2 2 基本概况 h 3 2.1 矿井概况及井田地质特征 h 3 2.1.1 井田概况 h 3 2.1.2 地质特征 h 4 2.2 矿井储量、年产量及服务年限 h 6 2.2.1 井田界限 h 6 2.2.2 井田储量 h 6 2.2.3 矿井年产量及服务年限 h 6 2.3 井田开拓 h 7 2.3.1 概述开拓方案 h 7 2.3.2 井筒 h 7 2.3.3 井底车场及硐室 h 7 2.3.4 开采顺序及采煤工作面的配置 h 9 2.4 采煤准备 h 10 2.4.1 采煤方法 h 10 2.4.2 采区巷道布置及生产


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