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西南科技大学毕业设计(论文) PAGE 西南科技大学毕业设计(论文) 毕业设计说明书 高校学生成绩评估系统 摘 要 至少在目前来说,学生的学习效果主要是以学生的成绩来评价的,因此,对学生的成绩进行评估对于教育来说其重要性是不言而喻的。但是由于种种原因,要对学生的成绩进行评估是很难的。特别是在高校,学生成绩管理工作量大,处理条件复杂,人工处理非常困难。 随着电子信息高速发展,运用电子技术实现学生成绩评估的自动化将不再是一件难事。尤其是在网络得到广泛运用的今天,构建一个成绩评估网络,可以更加快速有效的实现这一系统功能,减轻高校的工作负担。 作者使用JSP+SQL构建了一个成绩评估系统网络,首先简要介绍了成绩评估系统的现状以及所使用的工具,接着对系统要实现的功能进行详细的分析设计,然后是系统的实现,以及在系统实现过程中所遇到的一些技术问题和其解决方法。 关键字:成绩评估;信息管理;数据过滤 Abstract At least for this moment, the learning effect of a student is mainly evaluated by grade. Thus, the evaluation is of great importance to the education. Nevertheless, to have an evaluation of the student’s grade is very difficult due to several reasons. Especially in universities and colleges, the management of the grade is a tough job, and it has very complex condition to handle, In particular for manual work. With the rapid development of electronic information, it is no more a hard thing by using electronic techniques to realize the automatic evaluation. Especially today, when network is widely used, to build a network for evaluation can accelerate to realize the function of the system and reduce the working burden of universities and colleges. The author managed to use JSP+SQL to form an evaluation network system. Firstly, it gives a brief introduction to the actuality of the evaluation system and the tools. And then, it provides a detailed analysis and design to the function the system will achieve, followed by the realization of the system as well as some technical problems encountered in this process and their solutions. Keywords: evaluation of the student’s grade; information management;The data filter 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第一章 绪论 h 1 §1.1现在的学生成绩评估存在问题 h 1 §1.2开发学生成绩评估系统的意义及必要性 h 1 §1.3相关领域在国内外的发展现状和趋势 h 2 第二章 成绩评估系统的构建思路 h 3 §2.1系统可行性分析 h 3 §2.1.1确定系统设计方案 h 3 §2.1.2开发工具的选择 h 3 §2.2系统的功能需求 h 5 §2.2.1系统实体关系分析 h 5 §2.2.2系统业务流程描述 h 6 §2.2.3系统数据流程描述 h 7 §2.2.4各功能模块需求分析 h 11 §2.2.5本系统所涉及的主要外部实体及数据存储详解 h 12 §2.3系统性


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