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以及狂野、激情四溢、放荡不羁的舞蹈。   and wild,crazy,bohemian dancing. 但最棒的莫过于,爱情。   But best of all ,theres romance. 亲爱的,啵一个 那意味着如梦似幻的长久凝视、   Which means long dreamy stares 在耳边甜言密语、   whispering sweet nothings 亲爱的,你弄痒我了 拥抱、   cuddles 拥吻、   smooches 更多的拥吻,   more smooches 还有更多的拥吻,   and even more smooches 一个充满爱意的调皮的咬痕,或是两个,   a frisky love bite or two 你如何才能找到“仿佛滑入一个温暖的泡泡浴池”那种幸福的感觉呢?   So how can you find that **ful just sliding into a hot bubble bathkind of feeling? 真舒服啊 其实很简单。   Its easy. 首先,停止逃避那些纷纷扰扰的纠纷,该是勇敢面对问题的时候了。   First,stop slinking away from all those magging issues.Its time to face the music. 现在,稍稍地放松心情。深呼吸,(从鼻子吸气,从嘴里呼气)试着沉思冥想,如果可以的话。 嘘,淡定 或是出去散散步,让头脑清醒一下。   Or go for a walk to clear your head. 接受既成事实,放下情绪包袱。 Accept the fact that you ll have to let go of some emotional baggage. 试着从不同的角度看问题。   Try seeing thing from a different perspective Oh,我晕,我再晕 如果是别人做得不对,勇也地站出来大声说:“那是错误的,我绝对不支持这件事!”强硬一点没有什么不好。   If someone else is doing the wrong thing,stand up tall and say,Thats not right and I wont stand for it !Itokay to be forceful. 适时地发了嘘声的确是蛮不错的)   (Its rarely okay to blow raspberries.) 为自己感到骄傲,   Be proud of who you are, 哥怎么样? 但是别忘了适当的自嘲。   but dont lose the ability to laugh at yourself. 你的老板对你百般挑剔,   your boss is picking on you, 办公室里的每一个人都让你发疯。   and everyone in the office is driving you crazy. 你可能会头疼欲裂,   You might have a splitting headache, 或重心不稳跌个正着,   or a slipped disk 口臭、   bad breath 牙痛、   a toothache 不停放屁、   chronic gas 口干舌燥,   dry lips 或是指甲长到肉里了。   or a nasty ingrown toenail. 不管什么原因,你确定上面有人不喜欢你。   Whatever the reason,youre convinced that someong up there doesnt like you. 唉,该怎么办,到底该怎么办呢?   Oh what to do ,what to dooo? 嗯,你可能跟大部分人一样,随便找个东西躲起来,以为事情会自行解决。   Well,if youre like most people,youll hide behind a flimsy belief that everything will sort itself out. 结果你得花掉下半辈子的时间回头看,等着一次又一次重蹈覆辙。   Then youll spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, waiting for everything to go wrong all over again. 最后你会


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