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基于精准营销目标的网络广告 运作模式研究 姓 名 系 别 专 业 研究方向 指导教师 学位论文完成日期 University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Master Dissertation Online Advertisement Operation Model Research Based on the precision of online advertising marketing target Name Department College of communication and art design Specialty Communication Research Direction Online Advertising Supervisor Professor Shi yongqin Complete Data December 2010 中文摘要 本文主要以某投资理财广告运作模式为案例,研究分析当前以精准营销为目标的网络广告运作模式。第一章绪论部分主要介绍选题背景、意义及文献综述。第二章,主要包括。第三章网络广告的分析,揭示现行网络广告问题,网络广告运作模式。本文主要成果为一是精准网络广告运作;二是在详细分析现在流行的三种主要网络广告运作模式基础上,采用加权计算方法,提出了对于广告主和媒体都能找到利益均衡点的新的综合付费模式,并推导出采用加权计算方法评估同一媒体不同版位和不同媒体的广告效果公式。促进网络广告运作市场的健康发展,使网络媒体、广告主和广告代理商能够在健康的网络环境下做到效益最大化,各方都能在广告竞技舞台上获得应有的利益,是我们从业人员不懈追求的目标。关键词:网络广告 精准营销 广告分析系统 ABSTRACT This paper mainly based on the author in online advertising company working experience, referred previous authors research achievements, taking a financial investment as a case, the advertisement operation mode theory contacts with practice, research current online advertisement operation mode with precise marketing objectives. This paper has five chapters. The first chapter introduces background, significance and literature review. The second chapter network advertisement connotation and characteristics, mainly includes online advertisement connotation analyzing types and characteristics. The third chapter is online advertisement operation flow analysis, including the online advertisement operation of basic flowcharts and online advertisement operation flow analysis. The fourth chapter is online advertisement communication process and mode analysis, mainly introduces general spread of online advertisement process, online advertisement transmission mode and contrast the traditional online advertisement dissemination pattern with precise marketing objectives for the online advertisement dissemination pattern, advertising publishing system practical case


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