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第2章 设计说明书 4 中国石油大学(华东)毕业设计(论文) 输油管道初步设计 学生姓名:魏艳艳 学 号 专业班级:油气储运工程05-7班 指导教师:张足斌 2007年6月20日 摘 要 本次设计的输油管线主要用于原油外输,管线全长约265km,海拔高度在6.2-109m之间,所经地段地段地势较为平坦,设计输量为1700万吨/年。全线采用“从泵到泵”的密闭输送方式。 本设计管道管径为Φ720×8,选用L480(X70)钢号钢管。本设计进行了首站和中间站的工艺流程设计,本管道采用“先炉后泵”的运行方式。 首站的工艺流程包括:正输、反输、倒罐、热油循环、清管球的发送等操作,中间站工艺流程有:正输、反输、压力越站、热力越站、清管球的收发等操作。 设计给出该管线在不同输量下的运行方案。可以通过改变加热炉的温度和开泵关泵及压力、热力越站来满足输送要求。最后,计算各种费用,进行经济效益分析。 关键词: 输量;工艺流程;热泵站;运行方案 ABSTRACT This pipeline which designed is used for oil transportation. The pipeline is 265km long,6.2to 109m high. the section which pipeline passed is smooth,The designed capacity of transportation is 17 million tons per year. The tight line operation is used in all line, called “from pump to pump”. On the basis of criteria, 1.8 meters per second is choosen. At last, Φ720×8, L480(X70)pipe is used. In each station, oil is first heated and then pumped in heating—pump station in the design. The process of the origin station is: forward transportation, reverse transportation, heat oil cycling and pigging operation, etc. The technology process of the following station is: forward transportation, reverse transportation, non-pumping operation, non-heating oil cycling and pigging operation, etc. The operation arrangement of different flow rate are illustrated. In order to adapt to the flow rate necessary of different terms, changing the temperature of the heater, controlling the amounts of the pump, or non-pumping and heating operation are promised. The last , analysis of the projects economic becefics is necessary. Keywords: flow rate; technological process; heating and pumping station; operation arrangement 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \t 22222222222222222222,2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc138175209 第1章 前 言 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc138175210 1.1输油管道组成 PAGEREF _Toc138175210 \h 错误!未定义书签。 HYPERLINK \l _Toc138175211 1.2我国输油管现状 PAGEREF _Toc138175211 \h 错误!未定义书签。 HYPERLINK \l _Toc138175213 第2章 设计说明书 PAGEREF _Toc138175213 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l _Toc138175214 2.1 工程设


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