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摘 要 在科技领域,激光导航在军事和民用应用广泛。精密伺服转台为激光导航系统中 的核心部件,本文以实际项目为工作基础,针对精密伺服转台在设计、装配、检测过 程中所学习研究的知识进行总结研究归纳。 论文主要论述精密伺服转台结构设计、装配工艺工程、轴系及关键部件检测三个 方面。在结构设计中,以水平轴系和垂直轴系为大框架,介绍主要零件的设计思想及 注意事项,对重要零件进行模态分析和强度校核计算;在装配过程中,按照装配流程 出对转台需安装部件进行装配,指出相关注意事项;在最后,对转台的轴系误差进行 检测并分析、检测编码器误差精度及对转台整体摩擦力矩进行检测。 本文的研究内容主要对工程实践进行总结归纳,具有重要的工程意义。 关键字:精密伺服转台 结构方案 装配工艺 误差检测 ABSTRACT In science and technology, Laser navigation has been widely applied in military and civil fields.Precision servo turntable as the core component in the process of laser navigation. The paper takes the actual project work for foundation, a precision servo turntable in the process of design, assemble, test the study summarized the knowledge of research. Mainly discusses the structure design, assembly process engineering and testing these three aspects of precision servo turntable . In the structure design To the horizontal axis and vertical axis are large framework introduces the design thought of main parts and matters needing attention Important parts for the modal analysis and strength check calculation, In the process of assembly, according to the assembly process of turntable installation parts assembly, points out that the relevant considerations ;In the end, shafting error detection and analysis of the turntable, detection precision and the overall friction torque angular encoder error detection. In this paper, the research main content of this paper summarizes the engineering practice, and has important engineering significance. Keyword: Precision servo turntable; Structure design; Assembly process; Error detection 目 录 摘 要 ABSTRACT 目 录 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 第一章 绪论 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 1.1 引言 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark2 1.2 国内外精密伺服转台的研究现状 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark3 1.3 论文研究目的和内容 3 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark4 第二章 精密伺服转台总体结构 5 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark5 2.1 精密伺服转台的主要技术要求 5 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark6 2.2 精密伺服转台总体结构设计 5 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark7 2.2.1 水平轴系结构 5 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark8 2.2.2 垂直轴系结构 15 HYPERLINK \l _bo



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