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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 课 程 设 计(论 文) 设计(论文)题目:XA5032普通立式铣床的数控改造 需要图纸的请加QQ692163825 姓 名: 学 号: 系 部:本科机电工程系 专 业: 机电一体化 年 级:06级11班 指导教师: 2010年 4月 20日 摘要 数控机床是装备制造业的工作母机,是实现制造技术和装备现代化的基石,是保证高新技术产业发展和国防军工现代化的战略装备。在全球倡导绿色制造的大环境下,机床数控化改造成为了热点。它包括普通机床的数控化改造和数控机床的升级 本设计是对XA5032普通立式铣床进行数控化改造。为了实现把XA5032普通立式铣床改造成经济型数控铣床,我针对此铣床的主传动系统,X,Y,Z向进给系统进行数控改造,并增加了CNC装置和伺服系统。对主传动系统,我选用FANUC AC 电动机通过带传动驱动主轴。对进给系统,我把原先的滑动丝杠换成滚珠丝杠,以提高精度和效率,并由原先的手动控制,改造成由电动机控制。通过变频器实现主轴传动和进给机构的无级变速。通过单片机的设计,构成控制系统。 关键词:数控改造,滚珠丝杠,伺服系统 ABSTRACT NC machine tools is the Machine Tools and equipment manufacturing, is to achieve manufacturing technology and the cornerstone of modern equipment is to ensure that high-tech industry development and national defense modernization of the military strategy and equipment. Green Manufacturing in the global advocacy of the environment, transformation of CNC machine tools to become a hot spot. It includes general of the CNC machine tools to transform and upgrade the CNC machine tools ????? This design is XA5032 ordinary vertical milling machine NC transformation. In order to achieve the XA5032 vertical milling machine into the general economy CNC milling machine, I am against this milling the main drive system, X, Y, Z to the feed system NC transformation, and to increase the CNC servo devices and systems. The main drive system, I choose FANUC AC motor drive through the belt drive spindle. The feed system, I replaced the original sliding screw ball screws, to improve accuracy and efficiency, and the original manual control, into the motor control. Converter to achieve through the main transmission and feed the CVT. SCM through the design of a control system. Key words: NC transformation, ball screw, Servo System 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK file:///E:\\论文\\XA5032普通立式铣床的数控改造\\说明书.doc \l _Toc225264419#_Toc225264419 第一章 概论 PAGEREF _Toc225264419 \h 3 HYPERLINK file:///E:\\论文\\XA5032普通立式铣床的数控改造\\说明书.doc \l _Toc2


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