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广西科技大学毕业设计 年产2万吨顺丁橡胶聚合车间工艺设计 PAGE 10 1 摘 要 顺式-1,4-聚丁二烯橡胶(简称顺丁橡胶)是一种结晶性橡胶,分为高顺丁橡胶,中顺丁橡胶和低顺丁橡胶三种结构,是目前仅次于丁苯橡胶的世界第二大通用合成橡胶。其具有弹性好,耐磨性强和耐低温性能好,生热低,滞后损失小,耐屈挠性、抗龟裂性及动态性能好等优点,可与天然橡胶、氯丁橡胶以及丁腈橡胶等并用,在轮胎、抗冲击改性、胶带、胶管以及胶鞋等橡胶制品的生产中具有广泛的应用。 本设计从顺丁橡胶的基本性能、目前现状以及发展前景入手,对聚合工段至后处理工段进行物料衡算,得到了物料平衡图;进行聚合过程的热量衡算,为设备计算奠定基础;对聚合工段各种设备的选型、装置组成、生产方法、生产制度进行了合理的确定,确定了合理的工艺参数和操作规程。 根据确定的工艺流程和控制方案,绘制出带控制点的工艺流程图、聚合釜装配图和车间平面布置图;编制了2×107千克/年顺丁橡胶生产车间工艺设计说明书。经过最后核算,2×107千克/年顺丁橡胶生产车间工艺设计 关键词:顺丁橡胶;聚合釜;工艺设计 Abstract Cis - 1, 4 - polybutadiene rubber (hereinafter referred to as butadiene rubber) is a kind of crystalline rubber, divided into high butadiene rubber, low butadiene rubber and Lower butadiene rubber in the three kinds of structure, is currently the worlds second largest after styrene-butadiene rubber general synthetic rubber. It has good elasticity, wear resistance and low temperature resistant performance is good, low heat, small hysteresis loss, flexing resistance, crack resistance, and the advantages of good dynamic performance, can and natural rubber, neoprene, nitrile rubber, etc. And, in the tire, impact modified, tape, rubber hose and rubber shoes and other rubber products are widely used in production. This design from the basic properties of the butadiene rubber, the present status and development prospects of the polymerization section to the processing section for material balance, obtained the material balance figure; polymerization process of heat balance, lay a foundation for equipment calculation; of polymerization process of all kinds of equipment selection, equipment composition, production method, production system for the determination of reasonable, the reasonable process parameters and operating procedures. According to determine the technological process and control scheme,draw the control points of process flow diagram,the polymerization kettle assembly drawing and workshop layout;compiled th


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