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研究生优秀毕业论文 大连理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文捅 大连理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 捅 要 随着Android智能手机操作系统的普及,越来越多的流量入口从PC端转移到移动 终端设备上来,越来越多的公司开始投入到移动应用的开发中。不同于传统的PC应用 软件的开发,由于移动设备的网络环境比较特殊,其自身流量小、连接不稳定等特点使 得移动应用很难满足实时性和长时间保持在线方面的需求,为了这个技术问题,比较好 的解决方案就是“推送”技术。 本文通过对推送系统进行需求分析,明确了推送系统应该具备的基本功能,再通过 对现有开源推送系统进行分析,分析其技术上的优缺点,通过吸收开源项目中的优点以 及改进其缺点,使新的推送系统更加完善。随后通过详细的技术调研,明确本文推送系 统所要采用的技术,设计出系统的基本架构,划分功能模块等。通过对各个模块进行详 细设计,给出类图、流程图、时序图等文档,为后面的编码提供更加详细的支持,最终 通过对各个模块进行编码以及测试,完成了一套较为完整的基于Android的分布式系统, 最后通过一些自动化测试框架和工具,如JUnit和JMeter,对系统进行单元测试和并发 测试,来检测系统的可靠性。 关键词:推送;Android操作系统;分布式系统 万方数据 基于Android的分布式推送系统设计与实现Design 基于Android的分布式推送系统设计与实现 Design and Implementation of a Distributed Push System Based on Android Abstract With the Android smart phone operating system’S popularity,more and more users transferred from the PC clients to the mobile application clients,SO more and more companies attach importance to the Mobile Application Development.Mobile Application Development has many new technical difficulties because of its OWlq features which is different from traditional PC software development.It is very difficult to keep mobile application online and guarantee its timeliness because of its especial network environment.To solve this problem,we need the Push Technology. In this paper,through requirement analysis of a push system,we clarified the basic functions of a push system,and then,we clarified the outline design and detailed design of the new push system based on evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of some open source push system.Through this works,the new push system can work beaer.after that,through detail technology research,we clarified the basic technology and system architecture that should be taken by the new push system.through the detailed design,all the diagrams such as the class diagrams、flow diagrams and sequence diagrams are provided which can support coding and testing with detail documentation.Finally we successfully implement a comprehensive distributed push system through coding and t


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