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38 粮食与油脂 2016 年第 29 卷第 11 期 振动式超微粉碎对绿豆全粉物化特性的影响 王 军,程晶晶 (许昌学院食品与生物工程学院, 河南许昌 461000 ) 摘 要:采用振动式超微粉碎技术对绿豆全粉进行处理,研究超微粉碎对绿豆全粉物化特性的影 响。结果表明:绿豆粗粉经超微粉碎处理10 min 后,平均粒径为29.01 ±1.06 μm ,达到超微粉级 别。超微粉碎时间延长,绿豆微粉平均粒径减小,颜色更白亮均匀。与粗粉相比,微粉的休止角 和滑角增大,松装密度和振实密度减小。当超微粉碎处理时间为10 min 时,所得微粉持水力为 1.71 ±0.06 g/g、持油力为0.61 ±0.06 g/g、吸湿性为5.68% ±0.31%、溶胀度为6.00 ±0.62 mL/g、溶 解性为28.60% ±1.60%,加工特性最佳。 关键词:振动式超微粉碎;绿豆全粉;物化特性 Influence of vibration type superfine grinding on physicochemical properties of whole mung bean powder WANG Jun ,CHENG Jing-jing (College of Food and Bioengineering ,Xuchang University ,Xuchang 461000 ,Henan ,China ) Abstract :The coarse powder of whole mung bean was processed by vibration type superfine grinding and the effect of micronization on the physicochemical properties of whole mung bean powder was investigated. The results showed that the average particle size become 29.0 1 ±1.06 μm after micronizing for 10 min and the micro powder could be called superfine powder. With the increase of grinding time ,the average particle size of mung bean micro powder decreased and the color of the micronized powder looked more uniform and brighter. Compared with coarse powder ,the angle of repose and slip angle of micro powder increased and the bulk density and tap density decreased. After micronizing for 10 min ,the water holding capacity of micro powder obtained was 1.7 1 ±0.06 g/g , oil holding capacity was 0.6 1 ±0.06 g/g ,hygroscopicity was 5.68% ±0.3 1%,swelling degree was 6.00 ±0.62 mL/g ,solubility was 28.60% ±1.60%,and the processing properties of the powder were best. Key words :vibration type superfine grinding ;whole mung bean powder ;physicochemical properties


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