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系统生物学数学基础 前言 什么是系统生物学? “Systems biology is the science of discovering, modeling, understanding and ultimately engineer- ing at the molecular level the dynamic relationships between the biological molecules that define living organisms.” Leroy Hood, Ph. D., M.D., President Institute for Systems Biology All biological phenomena, whether it’s digestion of a sugar molecule, beating of the human heart, or neutralizing an invading virus, are the result of complex systems. Thus our approach is to focus research on biological systems as a whole, rather than pursue the traditional approach of focusing on individual genes, proteins, or parts of an organism. 系统生物学的研究内容? 系统生物学研究方法? Scientists from multiple disciplines (biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, etc.) work closely together to fully understand all aspects of the inherently complex systems intrinsic to living organisms. Such in-depth understanding is ultimately essential to realizing our goal of predictive, preventive, personalized medicine. 系统生物学与数学? • “它(物理学)的范畴可定义为我们全部知识中能够用数学语言表发的那个部分” --爱因斯坦 • 统计,模型,分析 ,模拟 总结定性 、半定 建 立 数学模 收集经验数据 性规律 型 用经验资料验证 求解、发展数学 模型 理论 “Most readers of this publication will know that ‘post-genomics’ and ‘proteomics’ are


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