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PAGE . PAGE .. XXXX 学 院 (2009届) 本科毕业设计 题目: 5吨桥式起重机小车设计 专题: 起重机电动机的选择探讨 专 业: 机械设计制造机器自动化 班 级: 机电BS051 姓 名: 学 号: 0211204331 指导教师: 说明书 43 页,图纸 5 张,专题 3 页,译文 6 页 5吨桥式起重机小车设计 摘 要 起重机械用来对物料作起重、运输、装卸和安装等作业的机械设备,它可以减轻体力劳动、提高劳动生产率和在生产过程中进行某些特殊的工艺操作,实现机械化和自动化。起重机械运送的物料可以是成件物品,也可以是散料或者是液态的。起重机受的载荷是变化的,它是一种间歇动作的机械。起重机一般由机械、金属结构和电气等三大部分组成,机械方面是指起升、运行、变幅和旋转等机构,即起重机一般是多动作的。 本设计通过对桥式起重机的小车运行机构部分的总体设计计算,以及电动机、联轴器、缓冲器、制动器的选用;运行机构的设计计算和零件的校核计算及结构设计,同时完成了桥式起重机的小车起升机构部分的设计。通过一系列的设计,满足了5t起重量、设计要求,并且整个传动过程比较平稳,且小车运行机构结构简单,拆装方便,维修容易,价格低廉。 关键词:桥式起重机,起升机构,减速器 5-ton bridge crane trolley design Abstract Crane is a kind of mechanical equipments used for lifting, moving, loading/unloading, and installing. It can lower the manual workload and upgrade productivity. It can be operated in some special environment, too, and work with high automatic level. Crane can operate whole objects, disintegrated materials, or liquid substances. The crane loads vary from time to time, so it is a periodic operational machine. A crane contains three major parts, mechanic components, a metal structure, and electrical devices. A crane’s mechanical movements are multi-actions, such as raising, running, and rotating. This paper is main deal with mechanical design for the moving mainframe of bridge crane, including all design calculation selection of electrical motors, clutch, buffer, and brakes, the design and calculation of the mainframe reducer, calibration and verification of the calculation for the parts, and structure designs. Through a series of work, the design is satisfied with the functional requirments, 5ton lifting power The course of drive is quite smooth. The mechanical structure of the mainframe is simple, easy to install/disassemble, and maintain. And it has low cost. Key words:?? bridge crane, hoisting mechanism, Reduction gear 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc232845876 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc232845876 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc232845877 1绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc


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