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AbstractThis Abstract This theme is one of the items of educational rese,alC11’By the digging and comprehension tO the advertisement design from the view of expression..I conclude and sumrnarize some principles,techniques and methods ofexpression of modem times advertisement. The times ofnow could be say the age ofadvertisement,advertising information flood our life everyday and develop forward very soon in many kinds ofstyle.Advertisemem iS a bridge between producer and customer.Along with the spread ofmarket,development oftechnology,exaltation oflevel ofpeople appreciate beauty etc,the advertise plan,the creativity and its expression are all changing endlessly.T11is article primarily emphasize in discussing the theories of expression in advertisement.nle thesis commences from four aspects: 1.The part ofgeneral introduction.From total up generalize the category. innate character,principle regulation,contents trend ofthe advertisemem expression the characteristics etc.nlis part increase new research content for now advertising theories,and avoided returning simply the advertising expression into the scope ofadvertisement creation before; 2.Thepartofadvertising expressionofthesense ofvision.Inthispartdiscuss the principles,methods and skills that graph,color,chart,sign,entity,skin texture, construct form,arrangement that followed in advertising expression.Research in this aspect earl express advertising creativity and direct the manufacture ofthe advertisement better,SO that attain to the purpose oftransmitting Information. infection consumer; 3.The part of advertising digital and multidimensional expression.Starting with maillly two dimensions,three dimensions,four dimensions,multi dimensions and digital expression discuss the principles,regulation,methods and skills of advertising expression and then discuss the new method,new form,new technique, new material,new method and new skill of advertising expression from different aspects: 4 The expression of advert



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