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◇中山太莘硕士学位论文The ◇中山太莘硕士学位论文 The Construction of Integrated Pedestrian System: Cases in the CBD of Guangzhou Abstract The development of the modern city has caused dualistic differentiation of the urban traffic.on one hand the motor tra怖c demonstrates irreplaceable function in the modern cities emphasizing the speed and efficiency,the cities are advancing at fu|l speed on the motor wheels;on the other hand.the great development of motor traffic brings a Iot of new urban questions。under this background,the pedestrian traffic in the city is paid attention to by people gradually,the humanized ideologicaI trend of urban construction begins to regress. This paper pays close attention to the pedestrian system of the CBD,and the study of pedestrian space is an important aspect.Severa|lssues on how to organizing pedestrian space are discussed at first,in order to establish a positive pedestrian space,then the patterns of urban pedestrian system construction are summed uD On macroscopic and micro level. 1n vertical research.this text has reviewed the pedestrian system development courses of the cities in western countries and China.as well as in Guangzhou。 Generally speaking.urban pedestrian system go through frOm simple to complicated,from depending on to separating,from plane level to three.dimensionaI evolution. 1n horizontaI research.Hong Kong and Shanghai are selected to be compared with Guangzhou,study the pedestrian system development of each of the three cities.1t is a certain direction to structure the perfect integrated pedestrian system according to the idea of people first and combined with culturaI environment. In the construction of integrated pedestrian system in the CBD of Guangzhou, The Beijing Road Pedestrian Street surrounding area and the Teem Plaza surrounding area are selected to research on,and the evaluation of the pedestrian environments in the two areas are carried through.1n the concrete construction practice,the principles of pedestrian system co



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