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1308                CHINA T ROPICAL M EDICINE Vo .7 No.8 August 2007  2007 7 8 [  ] 张洁宏, 苏爱荣, 张陆娟, 赵鹏, 王彦武, 黄超培 摘要:目的 为确保异麦芽酮糖醇的食用 全, 对其进行了致突变性和致畸性研究。  方法 采用小鼠精子畸 形试验、小鼠胸骨髓微核试验、Ames 试验及大鼠传统致畸试验进行检测。  结果 3 个剂量组的微核率和精子畸形率 与阴性对照组比较差异无统计学意义, 各剂量组的回变菌落数均未超过溶剂对照组的2 倍, 未见母体毒性、胚胎毒性 和致畸性。  结论 在本实验条件下, 异麦芽酮糖醇未见致突变性和致畸性。 关键词:异麦芽酮糖醇;致突变性;致畸性 中图分类号:R285.1  文献标识码:A   文章编号:1009-9727(2007)8-1308-02 Experimental study on the mutagenicity and teratogeni city of i somalt in animal s.ZHANG Jie-hong, SU Ai -rong, ZHANG Lu -juan, et a .(Guangxi Zhuang Autonomou s Region Center for Disease Contro and Prevention, Nanning 530021, Guangxi, P.R.China) Abstract:Objectiv e To detect mutation and teratogenicity of isoma t which is a new kind of sugar rep acer. Methods Mice bone marrow ce micronuc eus test, the mice sperm aborma ity test, Ames test and the teratogenicity test w ere carried out. Results  The micronuc eusfreguency and the freguency of sperm aberrtion w ere not signif icant y diff erent compared with the contro .The- Quantity of mutated co onis in 3 dose groups did not exceed tw o times of the contro s.There no materna toxicity, embryo toxicity and teratogenicity w ere observed. Conclusion  The isoma t is saf e and no mutation and teratogenicity are observed. Key words:Isoma t;Mutation;Teratogenicity   (、、 50μg/)S9 , 3 、), , 1 。 , 1.6   3 (8 000、6 000 、 [ 1] 。 4 000mg/kg ·BW)、(: , 。 300mg/kg ·BW, 1  , , 250mg/kg ·BW), 10 1.1  , ,


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