量子计算的若干物理问题Quantum entanglement measures and detection.ppt

量子计算的若干物理问题Quantum entanglement measures and detection.ppt

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Quantum entanglement measures and detection 中国科学院中国科学技术大学量子信息重点实验室 合作者 Univ. of Sci. Tech. of China 蔡建明,孙方稳,张顺,郭光灿 Penn State 周幸祥 References (1)quantum entanglement measure Jian-Ming Cai,Zheng-Wei Zhou, Guang-Can Guo, Phys. Lett. A 363, 392, 2007. Jian-Ming Cai,Zheng-Wei Zhou, Xingxiang Zhou , Guang-Can Guo, Phys. Rev. A 74, 042338, 2006. Jian-Ming Cai, Zheng-Wei Zhou, Shun Zhang,Guang-Can Guo, Phys. Rev. A 75, 052324, 2007. (2)detection for quantum entanglement Jian-Ming Cai,Zheng-Wei Zhou, Guang-Can Guo, Phys. Rev. A 73, 024301, 2006. Fang-Wen Sun,Jian-Ming Cai,Jin-Shi Xu, Geng Chen, Bi-Heng Liu, Chuan-Feng Li, Zheng-Wei Zhou, Guang-Can Guo, submitted. Experimental measurement for high dimensional entanglement Two-photon state produced from optical parametric down conversion: Symmetric and asymmetric projection for two-fold copy of Experimental measurement for high dimensional entanglement However, the coincidence counts do not indicate exactly the symmetric and asymmetric measurement. Because a full form for the states produced in optical PDC is: is not: But, they have the following relation: Experimental measurement for high dimensional entanglement = Experimental measurement for high dimensional entanglement Experimental measurement for high dimensional entanglement Summary Quantifying entanglement measure for multi-partite pure states from the viewpoint of information Compatibility Conditions from multipartite entanglement Experimental measurement for high dimensional entanglement * Zheng-Wei Zhou (周正威) 1 Background: Quantum Entanglement 2 Entanglement Measures (a) Reviews for entanglement measures (b) Information-theoretic measure of entanglement based on information complementary relation (c) Compatibility conditions from multipartite entanglement 3 Detection for Entanglement Measures Outlines 1 Background: Quantum Entanglement 2 Entanglement Measures (a) Reviews for entanglement measures (b) Information-theoret


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