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Clinical manifestations Pain (痛) Vomitting (吐) Distension (胀) Constipation (闭) Clinical Observations Relieved or not Limited or diffused Intermittent or persistent Times Quantity Color Nature Bowel movement Extent of abdominal distension Breathe Pain vomitting distension constipation Treatment and nursing care Principles of treatment Correcting disturbance of water, electrolyte, acid-base and preventing infection Removal of the obstructing lesions Treatment and nursing care How should we nurses do ? Fasting Gastrointestinal decompression Analgesic drugs Fluid resuscitation and electrolyte supplement Antibiotics 后面内容直接删除就行 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料仅供参考,实际情况实际分析 * * * Hemic vomitus,drainage Conservative treatment in vain and no improvement in symptoms and signs X线检查符合绞窄性肠梗阻特点 Characteristic of strangulation intestinal obstruction(2) 鱼骨刺状 胀大肠袢 Characteristic of strangulation intestinal obstruction accessory examination 1. 化 验 检 查 血红蛋白值↑ 血细胞比容↑ 尿化重↑ 白细胞、中性粒细胞↑ 粪便、血气分析血电解质、尿素氮 肌酐 Accessory examination 2. X 检 查 立位或侧卧位透视或拍片。可见多数液平面及气胀肠袢。 Accessory examination 气液平面 Diagnosis Case Review T 37.8℃ P 96次/分 BP 126/78mmHg 腹部膨隆,见肠型及胃肠蠕动波 肠鸣音亢进,有气过水声 叩诊呈鼓音 右侧腹部压痛明显 X线提示有气液平 must make clear the following questions Whether intestinal obstruction exists? Whether the obstruction is mechanical or dynamic? Whether the obstruction is simple or strangulation obstruction? Whether the obstruction is high or low? Whether the obstruction is complete or incomplete? Diagnosis Treatment Nursing Care 预防和纠正水、电解质、酸碱平衡紊乱 解除梗阻 治疗原则 Treatment Nursing Care 为什么要求患者禁食? 如何指导患者禁食? 禁食 胃肠减压 解痉止痛 补液 电解质 抗感染 Treatment Nursing Care 目的:排液、排气,减轻腹胀,病情观察 护理要点: 有效引流 关注引流液的量、颜色、性质及其变化 禁食 胃肠减压 解痉止痛 补液 电解质 抗感染 Treatment Nursing Care 未明确诊断之前: 如何执行四禁 严密观察下应用解痉止痛剂 禁用吗啡类止痛剂 禁食 胃肠减压 解痉止痛 补液 电解质 抗感染 Treatment Nursing Care 提供补液的可靠依据(记录出入量) 补液量 补充电解质 配合纠正酸中毒 禁食 胃肠减压 解痉止痛 补液 电解质 抗感染 Treatment Nursing Care 合理应用抗生素 抗生素的配伍 应用的时间 观察疗效、观察副作用 实施营养支持 禁食 胃肠减


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