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重庆大学网络教育学院 毕业设计(论文) 题目 某中学教学楼设计 学生所在校外学习中心 xxxxxxxx 批次 层次 专业112 专科起点本科 土木工程(工业与民用建筑方向) 学 号 xxxxxxxxxxx 学 生 xxx 指 导 教 师 xxx 起 止 日 期 xxxx-x-x至xxxx-x-x 摘 要 本项目为,建筑高度为15.750米,共四层,总建筑面2726.44㎡,设计年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为6度,结构类型为多层钢筋混凝土框架结构,楼板为双向板,楼梯采用板式楼梯,基础采用柱下独立基础。框架结构内在竖向荷载下框架内力近似计算时采用,在水平框架内力近似计算时改进反弯点法(D值法)板内力计算采用弹性理论计算方法。框架结构D值法 Abstract The project for the department of a middle school teaching building, building height of 15.750 meters, a total of five-story, 2726.44 square meters total floor surface, the design life span of 50 years, seismic intensity of 6 degrees, the structure of the type of multi-storey reinforced concrete frame structure, the floor for two-way panels, the use of plate staircase stairs, based on an independent basis under the use of column. The framework of the structure of the calculation of internal forces in the vertical load approximate calculation of internal forces under the framework of hierarchical method used, the level of load in the framework of approximate calculation of internal forces to improve the use of anti-bend-point method (D method). Process in the calculation of bending moment on the beam to the AM, plate internal force calculation method of calculating the use of elasticity theory. Appear in the construction of the wall directly on the beam, wall, the weight plate to the beam, column beam, then pass on, a clear line of transmission. After the completion of the manual calculation, with the structure analysis software PKPM the overall framework calculation. Key words: Frame structure independent foundation plate stairs the D value method 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1 设计资料 1 1.1 工程概况 1 1.2 建筑设计说明书 1 1.3 结构说明书 5 1.3.1 设计楼面活荷载 5 1.3.2 楼板 5 1.3.3 梁、柱 6 1.3.4 墙体 6 1.3.5 构造柱 6 1.3.6 其他 6 2 结构的选型和布置 7 2.1 结构选型 7 2.2 结构布置 7 2.3 初估梁柱截面尺寸 8 2.3.1 按大跨度进行计算 8 2.3.2


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