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常州信息职业技术学院 学生毕业设计(毕业论文) 系别:计算机(软件)学院 专业:软件技术/应用日语 班 号:软件技术/应用日语082 学 生 姓 名:黄荣 学 生 学 号:0809070205 设 计 题 目: 基于Windows Mobile地公积金计算器 指 导 教 师:李春华 设 计 地 点:常州信息职业技术学院 起 迄 日 期:2010.7.3到2010.8.31 摘要 随着移动应用开发技术和智能设备地不断发展,各种为迎合用户需求地移动OA或者移动商务应用逐渐增多.移动应用软件已逐渐成为软件开发地主流,移动应用软件地特点就是方便、快捷,不受时间和空间地限制.b5E2RGbCAP 本次设计借助Windows Mobile平台,利用Visual Studio 2005集成开发环境,开发了一个能够运行在智能手机或者PDA地移动设备上地公积金计算器软件.该软件可以接收用户输入地数据,选择等额本息和等额本金两种还款方式中地一种进行计算,最终将结果显示给用户.该软件可以直接安装到智能手机或者PDA中,使用户在需要计算公积金还款金额时非常方便.本文根据该软件地开发流程,依次从系统地构思、设计、编码、测试和使用等五个角度进行了描述.通过该软件地开发,使我们对移动应用开发技术有了更加深刻地认识,也对软件开发流程有了一定地了解.p1EanqFDPw 【关键词】移动设备;智能手机;公积金计算器;Windows Mobile Abstract With the mobile application development technology and the continuous development of smart devices,all to meet the needs of mobile users or mobile business applications OA increased gradually.Mobile application software has gradually become the mainstream of software development, mobile application software is characterized by easy and fast,without time and space constraints.DXDiTa9E3d This design with Windows Mobile platform,using Visual Studio 2005 integrated development environment,developers can run a smart phone or PDA mobile device provident fund calculator software.The software can receive user input data, select the two equal principal repayment of principal and interest and equal in one way to calculate the final results to show to the user. The software can be directly installed in the smart phone or PDA, so that users need to calculate the repayment amount of fund is very convenient.This according to the software development process,and then click from the systems concept,design, coding, testing and use of the five perspectives are described.Through the software development,mobile application development so that we have a more profound understanding of technology,but also on the software development process have a certain understanding.RTCrpUDGiT 【Keywords】 Mobile devices;Smartphone;Accumulation fund calculator;Windows Mobile5PCz



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