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What I would do next is to buy my old parents an agreeable house, for they have brought me up with all their efforts, now it is my turn to repay them in their later years. After having done all the above, I would use the rest of the money to receive further education. 高中英语示范写作第(28)篇 类型:招领启事类 典例:招领一个钱包 模板: Found [时间、地点、物品]At about 8:00 am on April 6, 2010, a staff of our airport found a purse at the security check. [物品的特征] More specifically, it is a black purse made of ox leather, whose brand is LV. To be exact, inside the purse, there is an air ticket of Flight EU2218 from Shenzhen to Chengdu, a credit card, an ID card and some Hongkong dollars. [寻找主人意图与联系方式]We hope to find the owner. If you are the very one we are looking for, please call us at 0755or come to the consultation service in our airport directly. [提醒失主该启事的有效期] Last but not least, we would like to remind you that we will undertake the responsibility for one and a half month. Shenzhen International Airport 高中英语示范写作第(19)篇 类型:心得体会 典例:诚实/勿以善小而不为 模板:1.(2009广州调研) After reading the story, I am so touched by Alan, whose behavior is worth praising. There is no doubt that honesty still plays a very important role in people’s life and only those who are honest will be trusted and respected by people. (诚实) 2.(2011汕头一模)After reading this story, I was lost in thought. I came to realize that people should never ignore the deed of small kindness. Your small good deeds sometimes will get big returns or make a great difference! (勿以善小而不为) 高中英语示范写作第(20)篇 类型:举例说明 典例:和谐的师生关系对你的影响 模板:(2011天河一模) [要证明的观点] Actually, having a good relationship with teachers makes it easier for us to get along smoothly with our study at school. [引出例子] Take me for example. [例子] My teacher is my good friend. When I fail in the exam, it is my teacher that first helps me to analyze the problem. She is patient enough to make me get over all the difficulties in my study. When I am unhappy, she always listens to me carefully an


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