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七八年级重点句型翻译练习(教师版) 七年级上Unit 1-2 那个女孩擅长画画。 The girl is good at painting. 女演员正站在舞台的中央。 The actress is standing at the center of the stage. 你一般几点钟上学? What time do you usually go to school? 孙中山先生为全世界的人所熟悉。 Dr. Sun Yat-sen is well-known to everyone from all over the world. 林丹是世界上最好的羽毛球运动员之一。 Lin Dan is one of the best badminton players in the world. 你愿意和我们一起去钓鱼吗? Would you like to go fishing with us? Do you want to go fishing with us? 安娜想和中国的年轻人做朋友。 Anna wants to make friends with young people in China. 我住在一座靠近湖泊的房子里。 I live in a house close to / near a lake. 你昨天什么时候到达电影院的? When did you arrive at the cinema yesterday? 我妈妈每天都忙于工作。 My mum is busy with her work every day. My mum is busy working every day. 她上学从不迟到。 She is never late for school. 玛丽每天都骑自行车上学吗? Does Mary go to school by bike every day? Does Mary ride to school every day? 他每周去两次图书馆。 He goes to the library twice a week. 我保证你们会在这里度过一段美好的时光。 I’m sure you’ll have a good time here. 你姐姐早上几点上学的? What time does your sister go to school in the morning? 下午晚些时候,我经常和同学们一起写作业。 I usually do homework with classmates in the late afternoon. 吃午餐的时间到了。 It’s time for lunch. / It’s time to have lunch. 你将来想做什么工作? What do you want to do in the future? 他经常在七点到八点之间吃早饭。 He usually has breakfast between 7 o’clock and 8 o’clock. 他大学毕业后当了一名老师。 He became a teacher after he graduated from university. He became a teacher after graduating from university. 汤姆在学校最好的科目是哪一科? Which is Tom’s best subject at / in school? Which subject does Tom learn best at school? Which subject is Tom best in at school? 七年级上Unit 3-4 学校为我们提供美味的午餐。 Our school provides us with delicious lunch. 离开课室的时候不要忘记把垃圾丢掉。 Don’t forget to throw away your rubbish when you leave the classroom. 你是否想先看一下菜单? Do you want to have a look at the menu? 为了我们的未来,保护地球对我们来说是非常重要的。 It is important for us to protect the earth for our future. 在我们的城市里有1000万人。 There are ten million people in our city. Our city has a population of ten million. 我们能做什么来停止污染大气? What can we do to stop air pollution / pol


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