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宝钢精密钢丝通过技术创新提高企业竞争力的实践 ·1 · 宝钢精密钢丝通过技术创新提高企业 竞争力的实践 胡东辉 (江苏宝钢精密钢丝有限公司,海门 226114 ) 摘 要 宝钢精密钢丝立足高附加值产品,在建厂之初即同步展开技术创新工作。通过对极细超高强钢丝拉拔技术 上进行的系统研究,在湿拉塑性变形均匀性、超高碳钢钢丝高塑性取得了突破,结合超纯净钢检测技术、拉拔润滑 性能评估技术等全新检测技术的开发,为提升企业效益和竞争力提供了有力地支持。同时,通过技术创新实践也取 得了一些经验:技术创新工作如果能将理论创新、工艺进步、新设备开发有机结合起来,能更好的发挥技术创新的 功能,更有效的提高企业竞争力。技术创新不仅需要包括产品性能和质量的提升,在开发新产品时同步开发配套的 低成本环保生产工艺,新产品才会具有竞争力。 关键词 精密钢丝 企业科技创新 Practice of Improving the Competitiveness of Baosteel Precision Steel Wire by Technological Innovation Hu Donghui (Jiangsu Baosteel Precision Steel Wire Co., Ltd., Haimen, 226114) Abstract Based on the high added value products, Baosteel precision steel wire has carried out technological innovations when the company was first founded. According to the systematic research on the drawing techniques of fine and high strength steel wire, a breakthrough was made on homogenous deformation during wet wire drawing and high plasticity of ultra-high carbon steel wire. Combined with the development of testing techniques for superior pure steel and evaluation techniques for drawing lubricity, a forceful support was made to improve the enterprise efficiency and competition. Some useful experience was gained simultaneously. If theoretical innovation, technique development, and device exploitation could be organized efficiently, the role of technological innovations in improving the competitiveness could be more effective. Technological innovations include not only the promotion of quality and performance, but the development of low-budge


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