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* Health insurance sytems in EU countries 欧盟国家的医疗保险体制 Agenda 日程 EU competencies in health care欧盟国家医疗的能力 Models of financing of health care in EU countries欧盟国家医疗护理的财务模式 Trends in health insurance in EU countries欧盟国家的医疗保险的趋势 Private health insurance in EU countries欧盟国家的私营医疗保险 Cross border provision of health care in EU欧盟提供跨领域的医疗护理 Conclusion 结论 EU competencies in health care 欧盟国家健康服务的能力 * Health care in the EU countries (1)欧盟国家的健康服务(1) The EU member states have the prime responsibility for protecting and improving the health of their citizens欧盟成员国放在第一位的责任是保障和改善公民健康状况 The EU member states can decide freely on the organisation and delivery of health services and medical care 欧盟成员国能自由确定其本国的医疗机构(健康系统)、和健康、医疗服务的提供 Health care in the EU countries (2)欧盟国家的卫生服务(2) EU competencies 欧盟国家的能力 registration of drugs (EDA) 药品注册(EDA) regulation of non-statutory health insurance 非法定医疗保险的规定 health informatics 医疗信息资料 cross-border provision of health care 提供跨领域的健康服务 Models of financing of health care in EU countries 欧盟国家健康服务的筹资模式 * Models of financing health care 健康服务的筹资模式 Beveridge’s model 贝弗里奇模式 funded out of general taxes, purchasing of health care by state or provincial/municipal organizations资金来源于总税收,由政府或省/市机构购买医疗护理服务 Bismarck’s model 俾斯麦模式 funded out of insurance premiums, purchasing of health care by self governmental organizations 资金来源于所收取的保险金,由政府机构购买医疗保险 * Financing of health care systems健康服务系统的筹资 based on National Health Service基于国家医疗服务(全民保险) UK, Spain, Portugal, Italy, partly Greece, Sweden, Finland, Ireland英国,西班牙,葡萄牙,意大利,希腊部分地区,瑞典,芬兰和爱尔兰 based on social health insurance基于社会保险(靠收取保费) Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Baltic states, Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania 德国,奥地利,法国,比利时,荷兰,捷克共和国,斯洛伐克共和国,斯洛文尼亚,波罗的海诸国,波兰,保加利亚和罗马尼亚 * Trends in health insurance in EU countries 欧盟国家医疗保险的趋势 * Reforms in countries with the Bismarck’s model执行俾斯麦模式国家的改革 cost containment 成本控制 increasing of coverage 扩大覆盖面 promoting of equal acce


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