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摘要基于多核处理器的景像织物CAD软件已经成为纺织领域的一个重要研究方 摘要 基于多核处理器的景像织物CAD软件已经成为纺织领域的一个重要研究方 向,基于多核处理器的景像织物CAD软件运用粒子群颜色量化算法以及OpenⅧ 多线程并行技术有效的解决了真彩色景像图像在机织织物上表现织物组织图的 设计问题,具有实际生产意义。 粒子群颜色量化技术融合了粒子群优化算法的优点,避免了传统颜色量化算 法的不足,能够在尽可能地接近原始图像的前提下,大幅度地减少了重建图像的 颜色数目,解决了真彩色图像颜色数目与机织设备经纬线颜色数目差距较大的问 题,在此基础上运用OpenⅧ多线程并行技术充分发挥多核处理器的数据处理 能力,快速设计出相对应的机织织物组织图并模拟仿真,提高了工艺设计人员的 工作效率。使用C++语言以及OpenⅧ多线程并行技术编程实现了基于多核处 理器的景像织物CAD软件,通过对算法以及软件的实际测试,验证了基于多核 处理器的景像织物CAD软件的可行性及有效性。 关键词:景像织物CAD:并行粒子群颜色量化;OpenⅧ AbstractScene Abstract Scene fabric CAD software based on multi-core processors has become all important research direction ofthe fabric.This CAD software uses the Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO)color quantization algorithm and OpenMP parallel multi·threaded technology effectively solves the true color scene images in the performance of woven fabric on the organization chart of the design problem,with the actual production of meaning. The Particle Swarm Optimization color quantization algorithm technology combines the advantages of PSO,to avoid the traditional lack of color quantization algorithm,can reduce significantly the number of colors in the image reconstruction under the premise of restoring the original image as much as possible,resolve the problem between the number of colors in the true color image and the number of latitude and longitude line’S color of the weaving equipment.On this basis,with the using of OpenMP parallel multi—threaded technology,play data processing capabilities of multi-core processors,rapid design of woven fabrics corresponding organization chart and simulation,improve the efficiency of process design staff.Use C++ language and OPenMP parallel multi-threaded programming techniques for scene fabric CAD software based on multi-core processors.Through the actual test,this CAD software turns out to be feasible and valid. Keywords:Scene fabric CAD;PPSO color quantization algorithm;OpenMP 目录第一章绪论 目录 第一章绪论 l 1.1机织CAD发展现状 1 1.2课题的研究背景 .2 1.2.1机织织物结构设计 .2 1.2.2数字图像颜色量化 一. ..3 1.2.3粒子


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