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Scientific Method Vs Engineering Problem Solving Approaching Scientific Method Engineering Problem Solving Approach Define the problem Define the problem Collect data Collect and analyzing the data Develop hypotheses Search for solution Test hypotheses Evaluate alternatives Analyze results Select solution and evaluate the impact Draw conclusion 科学原理与工程开发 Engineer The profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience is applied with judgement to develope ways to utilize, economically, the material and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind. Finally, engineers provide a public service not only in the goods and services they create for the betterment of society, but also by placing the safety of the public high on their list of design criteria. MEM的定位 If they want to remain in their technical area of expertise but see the need to improve their managerial skills and understanding of business, then the engineering management program is the right program. Lannes J . What is engineering management ? [J ] IEEE Transactions On Engineering Management , 2001 ,48 , (1) :107~110 工程管理教育的内容 In that context, engineering management can be defined as the knowledge and skills required to be successful when an engineer reaches the supervisor/manager level, and these skills are primarily integrative skills rather than the reductionist skills required in pure engineering. Lannes J . What is engineering management ? [J ] IEEE Transactions On Engineering Management , 2001 ,48 , (1) :107~110 领导工程团队解决复杂问题的知识框架 领导艺术、商务知识和沟通能力基础 例如产品研发战略、设计制造模式、信息技术应用 二、工程的生命周期及工程管理 摘自殷瑞钰院士“工程哲学”讲座 系统工程生命周期—SELC DHS Acquisition Instruction/Guidebook 课程在知识链中的定位 科学 技术 工程 产业 经济 社会 资源 资金 知识链 Why study engineering management It helps the engineer become a effective technical specialist and strengthens the ability to lead people and projects. As specialist, the engineer becomes more effective through understanding how his or her engineering skills can best


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