微软虚拟化技术纵览系列之二:Windows Server Virtualization概览.ppt

微软虚拟化技术纵览系列之二:Windows Server Virtualization概览.ppt

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* * * * * 在很多企业,IT部门被当作基本的后勤支持部门或者Cost Center。而不被重视。 其实IT部门的价值在于“通过IT技术商用化,能够降低运营成本和复杂度, 大幅提升企业的商业价值”。 因而IT部门可以划分为这样四类。 同样是企业的IT部门,从基本的后勤部门到企业的战略资源。您的IT部门希望成为哪一类呢? Nicholas Carr was wrong. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the name, Nicholas Carr wrote a paper entitled “IT Doesn’t Matter” that got major coverage a few years ago. Why was he wrong? The fundamental premise of the paper was that IT had become a commodity and therefore could no longer drive competitive advantage. The flaw with his logic is that companies have varied use of IT and therefore those who drive to a more optimized use of infrastructure are the ones who gain the biggest advantage and achieve the optimal levels of alignment with the business. The Infrastructure Optimization Model is a way in which you can ascertain where you are in the use of infrastructure and the associated benefits of moving from a “basic” usage of infrastructure where IT is generally considered a cost center towards a more “dynamic” use when the infrastructure is looked at as a strategic asset. The model itself is not a Microsoft thing per se, but an industry model based on Gartner’s Infrastructure Maturity Model and MIT’s Architecture Maturity Model. One of the key technologies that we feel that enables the transformation of your infrastructure is Active Directory and it’s ability to be the persistent policy store for many of the functions that make your infrastructure more secure and well-managed. The first step is evaluating where you truly are in the continuum. Once that has been established, it’s about developing a plan on how and when you transform your infrastructure to reach maximum benefit. Those companies who view IT and their computing infrastructure as a commodity do so at great risk of competitive advantage. 基础架构优化:基本型、标准型、合理性、动态型 * Virtualization in an IT environment is essentially the isolation of one computing resource from the others. By separating the different layers in the logic st


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