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无忧资源:/ 中国最大最全的资源下载网 教育新天地:/中国最大的学习培训咨询平台 无忧资源:/ 中国最大最全的资源下载网 教育新天地:/中国最大的学习培训咨询平台 Session 3: PERSUASIVE FACTORS Source and Message Factors The Persuasion Matrix Independent variables: The Communications Components Source Message Channel Receiver Destination 4 3 2 1 Message presentation Attention Comprehension Yielding Retention Behavior Dependent Variables: Steps in being persuaded The Communication Components 1. Receiver/comprehension Can the receiver comprehend the ad? 2. Channel/presentation Which media will increase presentation? 3. Message/yielding What type of message will create favorable attitudes? 4. Source/attention Who will be effective in getting consumers’ attention? Source Attributes and Receiver Processing Modes Source attribute Process Internalization Credibility Identification Attractiveness Power Compliance Source Credibility The extend to which the source is seen as having: Knowledge Skill Expertise And the information is seen to be: Trustworthy Unbiased Objective Source Attractiveness Similarity Resemblance between the source and recipient of the message Familiarity Knowledge of the source through repeated or prolonged exposure Likability Affection for the source resulting from physical appearance, behavior, or other personal traits Source Power Source administers rewards and punishments to the receiver Source is more frequently used in personal selling. The Use of Celebrities Endorsements The celebrity, whether an expert or not, merely agrees to the use of his or her name and image in the promotion for the product. Testimonials The celebrity, usually an expert with experience with the product, attests to its value and worth. Placements The brand is placed in a movie or TV show where its seen by the audience and used or associated with the characters. The Use of Celebrities Dramatizations Celebrity actors or models portray the brand in use during dramatic enactments designed to show the goods. Representatives The celebrity agrees to be


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