某公司活动策划与360度品牌管理教材(PPT 255页).ppt

某公司活动策划与360度品牌管理教材(PPT 255页).ppt

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某公司活动策划与360度品牌管理教材(PPT 255页)

汉马传播机构联系方式 总??? 机:010 邮?? ? 箱:hanma@ 网?? ? 址: 地??? 址:北京市朝阳区三元桥国际港A座1005 邮??? 编:100027;360 Degrees Brand Cascade June 30th- July1st Shanghai;Do You Feel That You Are……. 你是否觉得你是…...;Individual Pre-session Exercise: Framing the Agenda 个人练习:;Agenda 议程; Why 360 Degree Branding? 为什么产生360度品牌管理?;Worldwide Task Force Report: Two Years Ago;Direct related to new distribution;Needs需求;What Sort of Company Do We Want to Be? 我们希望成为一个怎样的公司?;; ;Since That Initial Task Force: Worldwide; Adver One to Public Design/ Media -tising One Relations Identity Promotion Buying Australia ? ? ? Bangladesh ? China ? ? ? ? ? Hong Kong ? ? ? ? ? ? India ? ? ? ? ? ? Indonesia ? ? ? ? ? ? Japan ? ? Malaysia ? ? ? ? ? ? New Zealand ? ? ? ? Pakistan ? ? Philippines ? ? ? ? Singapore ? ? ? ? ? ? South Korea ? ? ? ? Sri Lanka ? ? Taiwan ? ? ? ? ? ? Thailand ? ? ? ? ? Vietnam ?;Structural and Attitudinal Obstacles to Implementing 360 Degree Branding 实行360度品牌管理的障碍;;The Brand Team 品牌团队;The Brand PL 品牌损益;;What 360 Degree Does For Us 360度可以为我们做什么? ;What is the Territory of a Brand? 一个品牌的版图是什么?;Line extensions 产品延伸;In 360 Degree 在360度过程中;A 360 Degree Brand;360 Degree Brand Stewardship 360度品牌管家 ;360 Degree Brand Stewardship 360度品牌管家 ;Our 360 Degree Brand Thinking 360度品牌思考 ;In the Beginning Was a Blank Sheet of White Paper on Which a Press Ad Was Written 最初的广告是写在报纸上的平面广告;Along Came TV Which Worked to the Same Basic Shape 伴随电视的诞生,广告工作仍然保持基本形状;So Heads Started to Become the Same Shape 因此,头脑也逐渐变成同样的形状;To Fit the Briefs Which Were the Same Shape - Square Pegs Into Square Holes 以适应同样形状的广告简报;;Then Along Came Some Other Sorts of Briefs 随着其他类型简报的产生;So Different Shaped Heads Were Required 导致对不同形状头脑的需求 ;To Make up the Full Orchestra of Disciplines


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