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雷曼兄弟破产原因分析 摘要 雷曼兄弟公司是一家全球性的金融服务公司,同时也是美国国库券市场的主要代理商。它参与的业务包括投资银行, 股票,固定收益销售,研究和交易,投资管理,私人股本和私人银行业务。 雷曼兄弟作为美国第四大投资银行,具有悠久的历史和辉煌的战绩,在业界享有盛誉。其CEO Richard Fuld 在1993即成为雷曼的最高领袖,他多次带领雷曼避免破产的命运,一次次走向辉煌。 这一次雷曼兄弟走向破产对整个金融界都是不小的冲击。所有人在震惊的同时,也有必要静下来冷静分析其由往昔的辉煌逐步走向毁灭的原因。这其中不乏当时次贷危机下复杂的金融大环境和房价剧变的影响,但关于雷曼兄弟的破产,更主要的还是由其自身的贪婪,业务单一和对金融衍生工具的滥用造成的。 关键词: 雷曼兄弟;破产;投资银行;次贷危机;房价剧变;业务单一;金融衍生工具滥用 Analysis of Lehman Brothers bankruptcy Abstract Lehman Brothers was a global financial services firm and a primary dealer in the U.S. Treasury securities market. It has participated in business in investment banking,equity and fixed-income sales, research and trading, investment management, private equity and private banking. As the fourth largest U.S. investment bank, Lehman Brothers has a long history and brilliant record. It has highly reputation in the banking industry. Richard Fuld, the CEO of Lehman, has became the supreme leader since 1993. He led Lehman to avoid bankruptcy and go to glory again and again. It is not a small impact on?the whole financial sector by this bankrupt of Lehman Brothers. It is no doubt that all in shock , but at the same time it is also necessary to calm down and carefully analysis the reason of such a famous bank going through glory to destruction. One of the reasons is the complex financial environment resulting from the subprime mortgage crisis. The other reason is the effect of dramatic changes in house prices. Expect this two reasons, the more important problems come from the Lehman Brothers itself. The main cause of the bankrupt is Lehman Brothers’ internal problems, such as its own greed, single business and the abuse of financial derivatives. Key words: Lehman Brothers; bankruptcy; investment bank; sub-prime crisis; price upheaval; business single; abuse of financial derivatives 目录 前言 成立于1850年的雷曼兄弟公司是一家国际性的投资银行,总部设在纽约。雷曼兄弟公司成立迄今,历经了美国内战、两次世界大战、经济大萧条、“9·11” 袭击和一次收购,一直屹立不倒,曾被纽约大学金融教授罗伊·史密斯形容为“有19条命的猫”。



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