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绵羊油并不是羊的脂肪,它的英文名为Lanolin,即为羊毛脂,是一种从天然羊毛中精炼出来的油脂.注意,是从“天然羊毛”中提取出来的。 Snow boots雪地靴最早起源于澳大利亚,最初叫做Ugly boots,澳洲人用两块羊皮包裹成鞋子穿在脚上御寒,后来逐渐在澳洲流行开来,冬季,不管是时尚达人,还是前卫MM,或者是白领OL,纷纷在脚上套上一双澳洲雪地靴,更有众多的好莱坞明星助阵,世界已经掀起一股雪地靴热。 Bilby(袋狸)   The Bilby is a small nocturnal creature found mainly in Northern Australia. They have large ears like rabbits and eat small insects and various plants. Sydney Sydney is the biggest city which locates at the southeast in Australia. The best times to visit are of spring and autumn, especially around March to April or October to November. Sydney is blessed with a temperate climate. Sydney is famous for Sydney Harbor , Royal National Park , Sydney Opera House , Bondi Beach ,Macquarie Street, Sydney university and so on. Sydney Harbor Royal National Park The Macquarie steet--The CBD has become a mini Manhattan The university of Sydney Sydney Opera House Bondi Beach Canberra Canberra is the capital city of Australia. With a population of over 345,000, it is Australias largest inland city and the eighth largest Australian city overall. Following an international contest for the citys design, a design by the Chicago architects Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin was selected and construction commenced in 1913. Beautiful new city Congress Building Melbourne Melbourne is the second large city in the Aus,and has been thought the top 10 cities which are most comfortable! Famouse sites: Royal Botanic Gardens Old Congress Building Colonial Tramcar Restaurant Philippi Island Transportation restarant Seaside Living conditions The Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is the only living organic collective visible(明显可见的) from Earth‘s orbit(范围). it is the worlds largest coral reef ecosystem The Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁) is not just one reef but actually a series of over 2,000 reefs stretching (延伸)for more than 2,300 kilometres. It is the world’s largest coral (珊瑚) reef. since coral reefs ar



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