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Chapter 3 International equilibrium = 1 \* ROMAN I. Theory of reciprocal demand(相互需求理论) = 1 \* roman i. Celebrity: By John Stuart Mill(穆勒) = 2 \* roman ii.Definition: This theory suggests that the actual price at which trade takes place depends on the trading partners’ interacting demands. = 3 \* roman iii. The reciprocal demand theory thus contends that the equilibrium terms of trade depends on the relative strength of each nation’s demand for the other nation’s product. = 4 \* roman iv. If two nations of approximately the same size and with similar taste patterns participate in international trade, the gains from will be shared about equally about them. However if one nation is significantly larger than the other, the larger nation attains fewer gains from the trade. (importance of being unimportant)(小国情况下作为不重要角色的重要性) = 2 \* ROMAN II. Terms of trade estimate = 1 \* roman i. Definition: The commodity terms of trade(also called barter terms of trade is often used to measure the direction of trade gains) measures the relationship between the prices a nation gets for its exports and the price it pays for its imports. = 2 \* roman ii. Estimate: Terms of trade=export er price indexim = 3 \* roman iii. Conclusion: An improvement in a nation’s terms of trade requires that the prices of its exports rise relative to the prices of its imports over the given time period. Conversely, a deterioration in a nation’s terms of trade is due to a rise in its import prices relative to its export prices over a time period.(贸易条件的改善是指出口品的价格相对进口品价格上升) = 4 \* roman iv. ·贸易条件越是接近哪个国家国内自给自足经济下的价格水平,该国从贸易中所获得的利益就越少。 ·两国间贸易条件的实际均衡水平取决于两国的相对经济实力和每一国对另一国商品的需求弹性。 Immiserating growth(悲惨的经济增长或贫困化增长):发展中国家经济增长反而使得国家福利下降。这是由于贸易产品单一,一般为初级产品。 Chapter 4 Trade model extensions and application = 1 \* ROMAN I. Factor-endowment Theory(H-O Theory) = 1 \* roman i. Disadvantage of Ricardo Comparative Theory: = 1 \* alphabetic a. He did not explain t


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