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户外电子设备温度控制系统设计 The design of control system of the outdoor temperature of electronic equipment 摘 要 温度控制系统是日常生活与工业控制中最重要而普遍的自动控制系统。随着电子技术的发展,单片机早已成为电子设备研发和生产中首选的控制芯片。本文介绍一种使用STC89C52为核心,以DS18B20为温度采集设备,以LCD12864为显示屏幕,以AT24C02作为掉电存储设备设计而成的户外电子设备温度控制系统。通过对电子器件资料的查阅和实际尝试,设计硬件电路。采用温度传感器DS18B20使用IIC总线技术来获取所在区域实时温度,STC89C52对多点的温度进行实时巡检同时从矩阵键盘历史输入的温度值进行比较,该控制系统通过LCD12864实时输出温度信息,超出预定值自动报警。 明确系统功能后编写相关程序语言,通过仿真,对整个温度控制系统进行了调试与分析。最终实现了实时温度采集、显示、控制与记录等功能。经实际制作表明该温度控制系统能够实现所需功能,具有体积小巧、操作方便、可靠性高、测量精准高、实时性好等特点,适合户外电子设备温度控制。 关键词:温度控制;STC89C52;DS18B20 Abstract Temperature control system is one of the most important and universal automatic control system in daily life and industrial control. With the development of electronic technology, SCM has become the first choice in the development and production of electronic equipment control chip. This paper introduces a kind of outdoor electronic equipment temperature control system, which uses STC89C52 as the core, DS18B20 as temperature acquisition device, LCD12864 as the display screen, and AT24C02 as the outdoor electronic equipment. Based on the access to electronic devices and the actual attempt, the design of hardware circuit. Using IIC bus technology to obtain the area where the real-time temperature by temperature sensor DS18B20, STC89C52 of multi-point temperature of real-time inspection at the same time, from the temperature of the matrix keyboard input history values were compared, the control system through LCD12864 real-time output temperature information beyond pre set value automatic alarm. After the system function is clear, the programming language is written, and the whole temperature control system is debugged and analyzed by simulation. The function of real-time temperature acquisition, display, control and recording is realized. The actual production shows that the temperature control system can realize required functions and has the characteristics of small volume, convenient operation, high reliability, high pre


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