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WORD格式整理版 PAGE 学习参考好帮手 B型轿跑车车身侧围内饰的结构设计 摘 要 X-PILLAE作为车身板金件的重要覆盖装饰件。在造型确定的情况下,本文从X-PILLAR内饰板的美观性和舒适性出发,对X-PILLAR内饰板的各个部分进行设计布置。设计的主体除了包括X-PILLAR的主要零件(A-PILLAR,A-PILLAR-W,B-PILLAR,C-PILLAR)。在设计的过程中,不但考虑到各种法规的要求,还要满足工艺上的规定,而且还需参考各种设计工具。以下是在设计过程中的几个重要因素: (1)A-PILLAR安装在车辆的驾驶室的前部,会对前视野造成影响,使其前视野减小。在设计的过程中应当尽可能的减小对驾驶员前视野的影响,并且满足各地区的法规要求。 (2)安全带固定点是安装在车身侧围上的重要被动安全设施,在设计B-PILLAR时应当合理的确定其位置,以确保满足各地区的法规。 (3)X-PILLAR为塑料件,其的制造工艺为注塑成型。因此在设计的过程中,应当注意制造工艺的可行性(拔模角度和拔模方向)。 关键词:车身侧围,工艺,材料,前视野 ABSTRACT The Design of X-PILLAR in B Vehicle Interior X-PILLAR is an important part of vehicle’s internal ornament. X-PILLAR is combine with four parts as A-PILLAR,A-PILLAR-W,B-PILLAR and C-PILLAR. X-PILLAR is also a important ornament to cover the vehicle’s body. After the mould is determined, this paper did the design and packaging of X-PILLAR and every assembly in it from the point of view of the prettiness and comfort of X-PILLAR。The major parts of X-PILLAR’s designation are A-PILLAR A-PILLAR-W B-PILLAR C-PILLAR. Through the designation, we shall consider the regulation about technics as well as law and designing tool. Such points which are written below should be considered: (1) Because of the position where a-pillar stall, it is evitable to interfere the front vision. We must decrease this interference in order to avoid driving problem. The design must fulfill the law requirement. (2) Safety belt anchorage which is stalled on the B-PILLAR is important passive safety equipment. When designing this part, it is a must which to consider its position and fulfill law requirement. (3) X-PILLAR is made by plastic. The way to produce X-PILLAR is molding. During the design, we should consider the feasibility about its produce. KEY WORDS: X-PILLAR, technical process, material, vision B型轿跑车车身侧围内饰的结构设计 杨开远 061103131 0 绪论 0.1 B级轿跑车简介 轿跑车研究开发在我国还是处于起步阶段,轿跑车是一个比较新的概念,它是集跑车与轿车的特点于一身的车型,其既具有跑车的运动性与豪华性,又具有轿车的舒适性与空间


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