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16 6 ( ( ) ; ) Vol. 16 No. 6 2009 11 Earth Scien ce Frontiers ( Ch ina University of Geosciences(Beijing) ; Pe ing University) Nov. 2009 李立兴, 李厚民, 王登红, 张长青 , , 100037 Li Lixing, Li Houmin, Wang Denghong, Zhang Changqing Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, MRL K ey Labor atory of Metallogeny and Miner al Assessment, Beij ing 100037, China Li Lixing, Li Houmin, Wang Denghong, et al. Trace element and REE geochemistry and its metallogenic significance for Cu2Zn deposits in the Tongbai area, Henan. E a r th Scien ce F ront iers , 009, 16( 6) :3 52 336 Abstract: There are some Cu2Zn poly2metallic ore deposit s of volcanic hosted massive sulfide ( VH MS) type lo2 cated in the Tongbai Region, H enan Province, China. The trace element and rare earth element ( REEs) abun2 dance of ores of Liushanyan Cu2Zn deposit, Dalishu2Fanglaozhuang Cu2Zn deposit and Yangjuan Cu2minerali2 zing spot were analyzed by using ICPM S method in order to discuss the genesis of these deposits. Four types have been identified on the basis of study on trace elements and REEs geochemist ry: ores of the first type show LREE2 enriched REE patterns, without Eu anomalies and wea negative Ce anomalies, but wit h a wea deple2 ted H FSE and smaller anomalies at Zr and Ti relative to N2MORB; ores of the second type show LREE2 en2 riched REE patterns having negat ive Eu anomalies and wea negative Ce anomalies; ores of the third type show LREE2 enriched REE patterns, having positive Eu anomalies and negat ive Ce anomalies, wit h a depleted H FSE and small negative anomalies at Zr and Ti relative to N2MORB; ores of the fourth t ype show horizontal REE dist ribution patterns, having positive Eu anomalies and wea negat iv


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