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摘要 Experimental Studies on the Influence of External Applicationof Qiang Li Kong Shi Xu Gu Tie on Fracture Healing Chang XiaoPeng (Orthopaedics and Trauma of Traditional Chinese Medicine) Directed by Professor Sun Yongqiang Abstract Objective: This issue through the application of Qiang Li Kong Shi Xu Gu Tie in the treatment of rabbits under the standard model of fracture . Through the observation of the fracture line bone mineral density, serum phosphorus and fracture observations of X-rays , To study the mechanism of its promotion of fracture healing and the clinical application of the drug to provide scientific basis. Methods: The experimental adoption of healthy male Japanese white rabbits for 60 subjects, ears fate caused by intravenous anesthesia with bilateral radial bone defect 2mm lower segment transverse fracture, after randomly divided into treatment group, drug control group and blank control group. Model on the 7th postoperative treatment group at Qiang Li Kong Shi Xu Gu Tie continued, medicat ion control group Notoginseng vinegar tune scattered bone lesion after the external application, blank control group, only the same size bandages, plasters fixed, the replacement of time with the treatment group. Respectively, after 14 days, 21 days, 28 d ays, 35 days to fracture X-Rating .after 14 days, 21 days, 28 days, 35 days in each group were sacrificed 5 rabbits, Bone mineral density testing. After 14 days, 28 days for serum phosphatase, all data analyzed by statistical software SPSS13.0 treatment . Results: Assessed using semi


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