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1,I think science is____ than Japanese. A,much important B,important C,more important 2,I get up early, but my brother gets up ___ than me. A,early B,earlier C,more early 3,Jim play the guitar as _____ as Linda. A,good B,well C,better 4,Which is ______,a bicycle or a computer? A,expensive B,more expensive C,the most expensive c B B B competition n. 比赛 compete with v. The singing competition was very interesting yesterday. fantastic adj. 极好的 Look! His new clothes is really fantastic. New words He wants to compete with you for the English test. /k?mp?ti?n/ /f?nt?stik/ which pron. adj. 哪一个 指上文或下文提到的几个名词中的一个或一些。 e.g. Which is your bike, Mary? 哪一辆是你的自行车,玛丽? Which girl runs faster? 哪一名女孩跑得更快一些? /wit?/ clearly adv. 清楚地;明白地 e.g. Can you see the words clearly? 你能清楚地看到那些字吗? win v. 获胜;赢得 e.g. It’s easy for us to win the game. 我们赢得这场比赛很容易。 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section A New words outgoing adj. quiet adj. quietly adv. loud adj. loudly adv. 外向的,开朗的 文静的 文静地 大声的 大声地 Guessing Game She is a woman. She is very beautiful. She is thin. She has big eyes. She is a famous star. She has ever played a part in Hua Qian Gu. He is a man. He is very handsome. He is young. He is a famous star,too. He is famous for EXO. He is a man. He is very tall. He is an athlete. He swims very fast. He won the first gold medal for Chinese swimming team. Liu Xiang is tall. Pan Changjiang is short. Liu Xiang is taller than Pan Changjiang. Pan Changjiang is shorter than Liu Xiang The red box is large. The green box is small. The red box is larger than the green box. The green box is smaller than the red box. Lin Xinru is thin. Liu Yifei is thinner. Liu Yifei is thinner than Lin Xinru. 45kg 48kg The women are heavy. The man and the woman are thin. The women are heavier than the man and the woman. Li Yong is more outgoing than Cheng long. Cheng Long is outgoin


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