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* * * * * * Q1: What?are?the?causes?of?youth crime 2. 学校教育 法制教育缺失 学校暴力,欺凌 学业失败-学习压力过大,竞争,学习不感兴趣 同伴压力 Schooling absence of moral and legal education School bullying, school violence Study pressure---- exam-oriented education /heated competition/ school failure/poor academic performance Peer pressure------have some friends who are involved in delinquent activities. 写句子 1. 学校可以塑造年轻人的机会和自我价值感 Schools can shape youths’ sense of opportunities and self-worth 2. 完不成作业,学习成绩不好就会导致低自尊心,被疏远或者无价值的感觉。 The failure to complete homework and poor performance may create low self- esteem and the feeling of alienation or worthlessness. 3. 那些在学校表现差的孩子很有可能行为失当,因为学习成绩差,不留恋学校和对教育的低期望值,这些都加大了犯罪的几率。 Those children with poor performance are likely to misbehave because of a bad academic accomplishment and a low attachment to school , which both increase crime rate. Q1: What?are?the?causes?of?youth crime 3. 社会环境 媒体不良信息 对家庭教育和学校教育缺乏重视,缺乏引导 不争取的道德,价值观 social environment Frequent exposure to harmful (violent, pornographic)information in the media/ content on the Internet. lack of support to families and neighborhoods, real or perceived inaccessibility to services, lack of leadership in communities, Improper outlook of life and value placed on children --- a strong desire for material wealth and luxury lifestyles---- be tempted to commit Q1: What?are?the?causes?of?youth crime 4. 经济原因 贫穷 缺乏教育机会 Economic factors poverty Have no access to educational opportunities 5. 青少年心理发展原因 容易冲动 自制力差 辨别是非能力较差 adolescent psychology a high degree of impulsiveness and hyperactivity; low self-control----poor anger management too immature to distinguish right from wrong. 翻译下列句子 1. 青少年犯罪率以一个惊人的(alarming) 速度在增长 2. 年龄在12到17的年轻人的犯罪率在2005年和200年间增长了3%。 3. 研究显示那接受足够父母监督的孩子不大可能参与犯罪活动。 4. 青少年犯罪增长的一个因素可以被归咎于(be attributed to)他们的家庭教育 5. 媒体里的色情或者暴力内容经常给青年造成极大的负面影响。 6. 有低智商的孩子更容易在学校做坏事,这可能会提高offending得机会。 7. 孩童时期的同伴排斥(Peer rejection)也是青少年犯罪的一个大的预示。 8.不稳定的社会经济 (Socioeconomic?instability)经常和


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